Our community-building site offers many useful features:
- Extensive resources on education and career
- The largest India-centric directories
- Worldwide directories, web search, free email
- A forum for exchange of ideas
- More community features each month!
One of the many aspects of this virtual community, iMahal Interviews are conducted with individuals whose lives and personal experiences are inspiring. These successful individuals - entrepreneurs, executives, academicians, and others - share with iMahal their varied experiences, insights and lessons learned. iMahal offers its community the opportunity to communicate with the interviewees as well as network with other members of the community.
iMahal - Your India-Centric Community Resource
iMahal is a global community of, by, and for India-centric users. The members of iMahal community learn from others, communicate with others, and help one another. Community members monitor the site to ensure that the content and discussion on the site is appropriate for children and adults alike.
We are a member of the Internet Content Ratings Association (ICRA), and our rating on the Recreational Software Advisory Council rating system (RASCi) indicates that iMahal is free of nudity, sexual content, hate and objectionable speech, and violence. Should you find any inappropriate content on iMahal that may violate the letter and the spirit of our "suitable for children" rating, please
inform us at once.
Since iMahal is a community resource, we would like to hear from you. Feel free to give us your
suggestions, comments, and feedback. This will guide us in introducing additional features, content, and resources that are most appealing to the iMahal community. We intend to continue building this community resource to best meet the community needs and desires. To become a volunteer for building and growing the iMahal community, please contact us at
volunteer@imahal.com. What you see here today is a humble beginning and, with your participation and contributions, we will make iMahal the venue as well as the medium for our community to network, exchange ideas, and learn. After all, we do believe that we can all learn from others and we can help one another.