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Arts and Culture > Architecture >
iMahal choice:
- Anand Bhatt, Architect. - An online laboratory on architectural ideas, with special emphasis on Le Corbusier, South-Asian Urban Artefacts, history and the 'form' of theory in Hindu architecture, Post-Structuralist theory (with references to Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari and Michel Foucault), desiring-production, machines, machinic heterogenesis, meaning, semantics...
- Architecture of India - Architecture of India in the Great Buildings Online.
iMahal suggests:
- Architects in India. - Architectural firms and architects in india.
- Books on Architecture of India - Annotated catalogue of books on the Architecture of India. Site gives complete table of contents and excerpts from the jacket/preface of several books on various aspects of the architecture of India-both ancient and modern.
- The architecture & design network for India - The architect and design network for Asia and the Asian region. Architectural information, companies, organizations, education and events.
