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Arts and Culture > Languages >
iMahal choice:
iMahal suggests:
- Belliare High School Hindi Department - Information about learning Hindi at the high school level.
- BharatBhasha
- Bharat-Darshan, Hindi literaray magazine - Bharat-Darshan is a Hindi literary magazine from New Zealand which became world's first Indian Audio magazine on the net. Earlier it was the first Hindi literary magazine on the net.
- Collection of Tamil Related Web Sites - A site for loads of links to Tamil discussion groups, magazines, temples...
- Elango's Tamil Page - Read Tamil Ilakkiyangal Thiruppavai, Vinayagar Agaval, Aathichudi, Prabandham, Kural, Thirumandhiram, Thiruvasakam and ThiruArutpa in Mylai font.
- Fun with the Hindi Language - Do you like to learn foreign languages? Just like to listen to them, or maybe see them in print? Well, here is a list of links from Language Tree (December 3, 1999)
- FCFLRC: Hindi Language Resources - Provides computing aids and tools for learning Hindi language.
- Hindi language and all about India - Promoting Indian Culture and its national language Hindi.
- Hindi Language and Literature - Hindi language links and resources: Directory
- Hindi Languages Resources on The Internet - Apart from the specific categories covered here, a lot of other Hindi related stuff is also available on the web. We bring to you a comprehensive list of such resources in this section.
- Hindi Study Resources Hindi Learning - Hindi Language Study Bookshop.
- Hindi RachnayenPage on Hindi - the National Language of India. Find Essays and Poetry. You Need a Devanagri Font to see this site.
- Hindi at SU - Hindi Conversation Lessons, since October 2, 1997.Each page is designed to stand independently and practice of the various sounds to writing and making conversation, to building vocabulary. (December 3, 1999)
- Home of Tamil Software for Education and Entertainment - A set of commercial programs for teaching Tamil.
- http://lppindia.com - publisher of books on rare and classic reprints on indology history religion philosophy linguistics performing arts general books and books on social sciences and humanities subjects and self-publishing services also.
- Indian alphabet comparison page - Eden Golshani's Indian Language Alphabet Comparison Page - charts showing all the letters of the Hindi, Punjabi, Bengali, and Gujarati alphabets.
- Indian Languages - Source of fonts for many Indian languages.
- ITRANS packageProduce high quality typeset documents in Devanagari (Hindi/Marathi/Sanskrit), Telugu, Gujarati, Tamil, Romanized Sanskrit, etc. for printing as well as for Web display using the ITRANS pre-processor for TeX or for HTML output.
- kannada koota - Association for Kannadigas in New York
- Language Exercises--Hindi - This page contains links to several Hindi exercises developed by Gabriela Nik. Ilieva and the Less Commonly Taught Languages project at the University of Minnesota. These are NOT language lessons.
- Languages and cultures of Asia - Department at the University of Wisconsin - Madison with information on the various courses offered.
- Learn Hindi at SOAS Language Centre - Provide beginners', intermediate and advanced courses in a range of African and Asian languages, and can cater for the needs of individuals, commerce, industry, government and public organisations.
- Links to Arts and Culture Of Manipur - Translations of various literature, ballads, poems and linguistic features of Manipur.
- LLL Hindi Information - Students in this program, leads to an B.A. degree, also learn about Hindi literature, art, and journalism and, hence, about the people themselves.
- Malappuram web page - Featuring Artists and writes of Kerala
- Oriya Home Page - Cultural information and links from India, especially Oriya and Orissa.Here you can find dances of Orissa,Songs of Oriya and a Poetry Corner for the Oriyan Poets.
- Project MaduraiElectronic versions of printed texts (abbreviated as ETexts) of ancient taimil literary works are stored in easily accessible archives.
- Students decry lack of Hindi language courses at Yale - Since 1994, Yale's South Asian Society has waged a struggle to raise awareness and money to fund a course in Hindi, a language that claims more than 180 million speakers.
- Tamil Literature Online - Tamil script and transliterated formats of old Tamil literature. Mostly in devotional subject. Uses Mylai Tamil font.
- Telugu Literary Home Page - A great site for various links to Telugu radio, language, papers, literature, fonts..
- Thamizhar Pakkam.Tamil Community Site. Tamil Matrimonial (Search through thousands of entires), Make Tamil, Friends, Sell and Buy Properties in Tamilnadu , E-Magazine, Cinema, Music, Recipies, Daily & Monthly Calendar, Greeting Cards, Festival & Occasion Reminder, Chat, Discussion Forum.
- Ukindia - Learn Urdu Page - Free lessons for beginning Urdu readers.
- UPenn Page for Hindi Alphabet - Learning Hindi through video and audio presentation in the Real Video file format.
- Urdu Dictionary by Usman Qazi - Urdu Dictionary and Thesaurus.
- UrdustanComprehensive Source of Information on Urdu. Including Poetry and Poets, Dictionary, Poetry Translations, Urdu Search Engine - by Kashif Hoda.
- Web assisted learning and teaching Tamil - Penn language center contains a number of different kinds of teaching materials suitable for studying Spoken and written Tamil with a Teacher.
- Zazi.com - Gujarati Poems and Short Story and Film Portal.
