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Education > Canada > Colleges and Universities >
Alberta Nova Scotia
British Columbia Ontario
Manitoba Prince Edward Island
New Brunswick Quebec
Newfoundland Saskatchewan

iMahal choice:

iMahal suggests:

  1. Campus Access - Commercial site geared towards students attending universities, colleges and high schools in Canada. Commercial offers along with advice and some educaional resources. Email addresses for university applications.
  2. Canadian Universities and Colleges - Links to Canadian univerisites, colleges and professional schools by province and territory.
  3. CanLearn Interactive - Tools and information to help match personal and career goals to learning opportunities. Presented by Human Resources Development Canada.
  4. CollegeKey - Links and information about major US and Canadian universities, financial aid, test preparation, high school tips, and other items of importance to the admissions process.
  5. Destination University - Educational resource site designed for Canadian high school students looking for higher education in Canada. Lists of universities and available scholarships.
  6. Directory of Canadian Universities - Information about universities that are member of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada. It features a searchable database of graduate and undergraduate programs.
  7. Gourman Report Ranking of Canadian Universities - A ranking of the top-60 Canadian universities compiled from the U.S. Gourman Report.
  8. Gourman Report Ranking of Canadian Universities - Canadian universities rankings compiled from the 1998 Gourman Report, Undergraduate Programs, 10th Edition.
  9. Links to Bible Colleges in Canada
  10. Market Penetration - Site for Canadian university and college students. Includes information on businesses, alumni profiles, student submitted articles, entertainment and book reviews.
  11. Study In - Canada's premier guide to education for students coming to study in Canada

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