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Education > UK > Resources >
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  • The iMahal Education Portal - General Information about the UK
  • iMahal suggests:

    1. ACITT - National Association for Co-ordinators and Teachers of IT. Site includes information on the National Curriculum review and various publications.
    2. Advisory Centre for Education - ACE advise those working in or around education in the UK.
    3. A-level Links - A collection of links to sites for most of the main A-level subjects.
    4. Anysubject Tuition - Offer tuition in all academic, music and arts subjects at all levels from pre-school to PhD throughout the UK. They have thousands of tutors nationally.
    5. BA(QTS) Primary Education - Science notes for students training to become primary school teachers. Contents includes notes on electricity, forces, materials, chemistry and sound.
    6. Basic Skills Agency Resource Centre - Teaching basic skills to adults, teaching English as a Second Language and a section for secondary schools. Part of the University of London.
    7. Bioweb, Independent - Site makes available worksheets, notes, revision guides and other publications that can be used in the teaching of biology at secondary school.
    8. Bloxham Project, UK - An educational charity commissioned by one hundred and fifty schools to assist them in the work of developing their spiritual education and pastoral care.
    9. British Educational Communications and Technology Agency - BECTA is a Non-Departmental Public Body (NDPB) with a remit to ensure that technology supports the DfEE's drive to raise educational standards. Site includes an on-line bookstore.
    10. British Marine Life Study Society - Homepage of the British Marine Life Study Society, study of the marine wildlife of the North-east Atlantic.
    11. British Services Education - List of, and links to, governing bodies in UK education, universities, schools and resources.
    12. CareersWays - Careers and Guidance information for people in Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland. Home of the Virtual Careers Adviser.
    13. Chalkface - The UK's leading publisher of photocopiable worksheets invites you to visit a virtual classroom and browse through their extensive list of titles.
    14. Collaborative Learning Project, England - Supporting a cooperative network of teaching professionals throughout the European Union to support inclusive education and develop and disseminate accessible teaching materials in all subject areas and for all ages.
    15. Development Education Project - A site for teachers on global and development education. It includes details of resources, online activities, links to other sites. There is a focus on Global Express: world events in the news.
    16. DfEE Parents' Site - Government site giving information about education in the UK. Covers curriculum, admissions, bullying, homework, choosing a school (including a school website search), performance tables, and Ofsted reports.
    17. Down's Syndrome - UK Resources - A comprehensive set of addresses and links for Down's Syndrome in the UK on the web. Includes links to government agencies, voluntary organisations and the full text of the 1996 Education Act.
    18. Early Years NTO - The Early Years National Training Organisation is a strategic body that represents everyone, including paid staff and volunteers, who works in the UK with children between the ages of 0 - 8. Responsible for training strategy for the UK Early Years Sector and, while it does not itself provide training, it advises on all issues of training and qualifications.
    19. EASEA Project - This is project is piloting a web-based delivery system for getting DfEE documents to school or Local Education Authority staff.
    20. Educare - Training and consultancy support for teachers and managers.
    21. Educate the Children - Educate the Children provides lesson plans and resources for teachers and parents of 5-11 year old children.
    22. Education 2000 - A well-organised, comprehensive and up-to-date site, providing links useful to all who participate in education in the UK
    23. Educational & History Services - Free educational advice, and a range of historical research and tutorial services offered.
    24. Educational Support Services - Information for schools and teachers on ESS, a leading supply teacher agency.
    25. EduWeb - EduWeb is an Internet Education Service for use by teachers and pupils and is full of resources for schools to communicate with others, publish their own web pages and find education links.
    26. E-magazines & Conferences - Conferences and magazines for English literature and language students.
    27. Employment Appeals Tribunal - The Superior Court of Record dealing with appeals from the decisions of the Employment Tribunals and Certification Officer.
    28. ETA - Education and Training Academy - Apart from the UK, the ETA has friends and visitors from almost every county in the world. The ETA promotes education without frontiers. Resources for teachers, professors, students, parents, life long learners; and self development.
    29. Free English Resources - UK Secondary Level - Access free English Language and Literature Resources for Key Stages 3, 4 and A' Level.
    30. Gareth Pitchford's Primary Resources - A collection of resources for KS1, KS2 and K-12 teachers with ideas for English, Maths, Science and History lessons as well as Art activities and cartoon resources.
    31. General Teaching Council - The DfEE site for the council.
    32. General Teaching Council - Site providing details on the Register of Teachers. It includes a questionnaire which forms part of the current GTC consultation exercise.
    33. Group Trips Online UK - Help and assistance for group travel organisers planning educational trips in the South of England.
    34. Homework Resource: GCSE Notes - GCSE and A-Level notes for students studying chemistry, physics, German, Geography, Maths.
    35. ICUTalk Research Project - A research project that aims to develop an Augmentative and Alternative Communication system to help patients in Intensive Care Units who are temporarily unable to speak due to their medical condition or treatment.
    36. Independent Panel for Special Education Advice - IPSEA offers free and independent advice and support to parents and others on Local Education Authorities' legal duties to assess and provide for children with special educational needs. The site contains seven first-step solutions to common problems, descriptions of landmark legal cases and much background information.
    37. - Providing INSET and other links for UK teachers. Including ICT, PGCE, MBA and many more training courses.
    38. Institute for Learning and Research Technology - A national centre of excellence in the development and use of technology-based methods in teaching, learning and research.
    39. J Pallis - Resources to support the teaching of control technology.
    40. JACT AL Classical Civilisation Bureau - A resource, information and support service for teachers of the JACT syllabus for Classical Civilisation at Advanced level.
    41. KidSource OnLine - The parent's source for children's healthcare, education, safety, learning disability, software, and parenting information and discussion
    42. Languages Limited Interactive - A website where language teachers can try out software before committing to buying.
    43. Learning Curve - Educational website of the UK Government's National Archive, the PRO. Designed for teachers and students, it contains original sources from extracts from the Domesday book to the Instrument of Abdication. Part of the National Grid for Learning.
    44. Lecture Theatre Services Managers Group - A group aimed at managers, senior technicians and supervisors involved in lecture theatre and audio visual support in Higher Education Institutions.
    45. Left Hand Education - Educational advice, products (including Government endorsed training video) for teachers and parents of left-handed children. Online store included.
    46. Literacy Hour - Teaching resources for the literacy hour, details of training courses for the literacy hour.
    47. Lonsdale SRG - School revision guides product catalogue.
    48. Madeleine Lindley Ltd - Educational book supplier with books for children and their teachers.
    49. Manchester Literacy Centre - Manchester Literacy Centre home page, Info about current and past literacy projects, contact information, links
    50. Mark W Rigby's Marketing Portal - Marketing information, resources and links for students and professionals.
    51. MarkChrisSoft - Contain material of interest to teachers, as well as some which is specifically aimed at IT specialists. Includes a crossword program for teachers, specifically designed for use in all subject areas.
    52. Monitor Educational Services - Runs timetabling courses for teachers in secondary schools in England & Wales.
    53. National Association for Primary Education - Site includes details of NAPE plus information on teacher's pay and links to education resources.
    54. National Confederation of Parent Teacher Associations - Site includes information on Hodder Home Learning and other educational resources for parents.
    55. National Grid for Learning - A government project to raise standards in education.
    56. NCN Research - ICT Training Solutions for Key Stage 4, Teachers and Businesses. Information about NCN Research, their products, future developments and projects.
    57. NGFL - The National Grid for Learning site brings together a collection of resources to help raise standards in education and to support lifelong learning.
    58. NICAS - Offers certification of basic skills in various computer applications. Information about NICAS accredited computer courses, and how to register your school, college or training center to issue NICAS certificates.
    59. Numeracy Activities - A collection of interactive games to support the National Numeracy Strategy.
    60. Philip Allan Updates - Philip Allan Updates - educational publisher and conference provider. Magazines, revision guides, photocopiable teaching packs and conference places available to order, or book, online.
    61. Plain Language Commission - Provide clear english standard, writing skills courses, words at work, stylewriter.
    62. Project GCSE - Site claims to be able to help students improve their GCSE grades free with 5 minutes light work a day.
    63. Pupil Researcher Initiative - Teaching resources for Key Stage 4 Science and information about PRI's services.
    64. Qualifications and Curriculum Authority - The regulatory body for public examinations and publicly funded qualifications including the curriculum for the under-fives, the National Curriculum, GCSEs, A levels, GNVQs, NVQs and higher level vocational qualifications.
    65. Sandwell Numeracy Site - Resources for Teachers to support the implementation of the National Numeracy Strategy in Sandwell Schools
    66. SATIPS - Provide professional support for staff in independent schools.
    67. Schoolzone - An excellent resource for schools and all curriculum areas, with well edited weblinks.
    68. Secondary School Science - Created by Loreto College, Coleraine. The content relates specifically to secondary school science in the UK.
    69. Smile Mathematics - Innovative mathematical education for schools. Using a wide range of resources developed over 25 years, proven in the classroom.
    70. Sociology Arena - Essay plans, essay titles, project guides, information and links for A Level and GCSE Sociology.
    71. South West Teacher Training - A school centred initial teacher training scheme(SCITT), concerned with training high calibre graduates, or equivalent, with outstanding potential and commitment to teaching.
    72. Student Loans Company Ltd - Provides details of the Student Loans system which is part of the Government's financial support package for students.
    73. Teacher Training Agency - Trying to improve the standard of teaching in the UK.
    74. Teacher Training Agency - The TTA site provides details on becoming a teacher as well as advice for those who are newly qualified. It also has pages devoted to a number of teaching subjects including IT and Special Needs.
    75. The DfEE Web Site - The UK government's Department for Education and Employment.
    76. The Employment Service - Included on the ES web site are a small selection of job adverts and details on the location of the UK's job centres.
    77. The Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education - A membership organisation dedicated to the support of all those engaged in teaching and the support of learning. As a professional body the ILT aims to enhance the status of teaching in higher education, support innovation and recognise the experience and expertise of lecturers.
    78. The Office for Standards in Education - OFSTED is the Office of Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Schools in England. The site includes a searchable database of OFSTED reports which can then be downloaded.
    79. The SPACE Centre - One of the largest multi-sensory rooms in the UK. It consists of a large, soft padded multi-sensory environment on 2 levels connected by stairs and a slide.
    80. The Standards Site - A Government site disseminating practical guidance and examples of good practice in schools in England to help raise standards, particularly in literacy and numeracy.
    81. Webfire - Hundreds of free essays and coursework projects for GCSE, A-Level and University students.
    82. Willowbrook Industries Ltd. - Shop online for UK Schools - best selling literacy and numeracy products for schools, including the KubbyKraft range of furniture.

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