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Education > USA > Schools > Maine >
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iMahal suggests:

  1. Acton School - Acton, Maine. K-8th grade.
  2. Airline Community School - Aurora, Maine. Serves K-8th in Amherst, Aurora, Great Pond, Osborne. Part of the Tri District that includes Dedham, Holden, Eddington, Holbrook.
  3. Conners-Emerson School - Bar Harbor, Maine. Union #98. K-8th.
  4. Edmunds Consolidated School - Edmunds Township, Maine. Home of the Jets. School news events, sports, information.
  5. Etna-Dixmont School - Etna, Maine. MSAD #38. Home of the Braves.
  6. Fort O'Brien School - Machiasport, Maine. MSAD #77. K-8th grades. Home of the Comets.
  7. Gouldsboro Grammar School - Gouldsboro, Maine. Home of the Panthers. K-8th grades.
  8. Indian Island School - Old Town, Maine. K-8th grades.
  9. Indian Township School - Princeton, Maine. Nice site with information, pictures, links and sound. Learn how to pronounce 'Motahkmiqewi' the right way.
  10. Limestone Community School - Limestone, Maine. Home of the Eagles. Serves Kindergarten through High School students.
  11. Lubec Consolidated School - Lubec, Maine. MSAD #19. Home of the Hornet. Mostly links.
  12. Maranacook Community School - CSD for Manchester, Mount Vernon, Readfield and Wayne. Students in grades 7-12 attend.
  13. Minot Consolidated School - Minot, Maine. Union #29. Serving K-8th grades.
  14. Nobleboro Central School - Nobleboro, Maine. Union #74. K-8th grades.
  15. South Bristol School - South Bristol, Maine. Union #74. Grades K-8th.
  16. Southern Aroostook Community School - Island Falls, Maine. CSD #109. Home of the Warriors. Serving students K-12th grades from Crystal, Dyer Brook, Island Falls, Merrill, Oakfield and Smyrna.
  17. St. George School - Tenants Harbor, Maine. MSAD #50. Serving students K-8th grade. Home of the Dragons.
  18. St. Joseph's Parish School - Portland, Maine. A Roman Catholic elementary/middle school.
  19. St. Mary's School - Augusta, Maine. A Catholic elementary/middle school.
  20. Union Schools - Union, Maine. MSAD #40. Union Elementary and D.R. Gaul Middle School serving students K-8th grades.
  21. Vassalboro Community School - Vassalboro, Maine. Grades Kindergarten through eighth; contains calendar, teacher's room, announcements and school newsletter.
  22. Vinalhaven School - Vinalhaven Island, Maine. MSAD # 8. Serves Elementary, Junior and High School students.
  23. Winter Harbor Grammar School - Winter Harbor, Maine. Union #96.
  24. Wisdom Middle/High School - St. Agatha, Maine. MSAD #33. Serving St. Agatha and Frenchville. 7-12th grades.
  25. Woolwich Central School - Union #47. K-8th grade.

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