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Medicine and Healthcare > Cancer >
iMahal choice:
iMahal suggests:
- American Cancer Society - Dedicated to helping everyone who faces cancer through research, patient services, early detection, treatment, and education.
- Amgen's Neupogen - Information to help patients, doctors and healthcare professionals understand neutropenia, a common side effect of chemotherapy
- BDS-SCC Page - Links - BDS Site - Squamous cell cancer of the neck - a patient's view, squamous cell cancer treatment experience, radiation therapy for squamous cell cancer of the neck - side effects,
- Bone tumor information site - A comprehensive resource on bone tumors and bone cancers for patients and physicians. Includes radiology, pathology, and treatment of these conditions. Authoritative, referenced, not for profit.
- Canadian Cancer Society National Website - Community-based organization of volunteers whose mission is the eradication of cancer and the enhancement of the quality of life of people living with cancer. (also the Cancer Information Service)
- @Cancer - Cancer and oncology Internet and medline search engine plus related links.
- Cancer News - Articles and links of interest to many cancer related topics.
- Cancer Supportive Care Programs - Book excerpts covering cancer supportive care topics, including psychosocial support, nutrition, pain control, spirituality and more. Extensive self-help advice.
- Cancer Treatment Consultants - Consults with patients in accessing cancer treatment information, clinical trials and specialized cancer centers.
- Cancer Treatment Information - CancerAnswers.com provides the latest cancer treatment information online with the most effective conventional and alternative treatments.
- Cancer Vaccines: A Primer About an Emerging Therapy - An excellent review article on the subject of cancer vaccines by Alfred E. Chang, M.D. The article discusses vaccines for various types of cancer. He is an Internationally respected researcher in the field.
- CancerFatigue.org - Learn about the causes, symptoms and management of cancer fatigue by browsing educational materials, or ask an oncology nurse a question about cancer fatigue and receive a confidential answer.
- Cancer-Incidence in Natick, Mass. - Environmental problems and certain rising cancer-incidence data. Natick Cancer Study Task Force.
- CancerLinks - Search Internet resources on cancer, its effects, and treatment.
- Cancerpage - Cancer information and community resources.
- Carcinoid Cancer - Information and support for people with carcinoid cancer, emphasis on how to live with this cancer and how to treat the whole person. Medical and doctor information links, books, bluegrass music, religion, politics, humor, fun links, and astronomy.
- Chondrosarcoma - Personal Experience with Chondrosarcoma (Cartilaginous Cancer)
- Colon Cancer Learning Project - Anatomy of colon, stages of cancer, treatments, research topics, links to relevent colon cancer sites.
- Fighting the wrong war - Salon. Oct.14,1998. This article suggests that funding for cancer prevention (healthy eating) would be more effective than the current emphasis on funding research. (October 14, 1998)
- Fox Chase Cancer Center - Advanced technology in cancer treatment, medical information for professionals, scientific research programs, donations and volunteer information, travel instructions and telephone directory. Philadelphia, PA.
- GENECA - Genetics & Cancer - An Italian web site of information and online counseling on hereditary tumors.
- Holistic Herb Health Center - Specializes in treating cancer naturally without negative side effects.
- IVS Technologies, L.L.C. Homepage - RUO kits for molecular diagnosis of leukemias, lymphomas and other neoplasms. TSO service for identification of leukemias and lymphomas. Proprietary technologies for in vivo cDNA synthesis.
- Leiomyosarcoma: A Patient's Journey - Detailed description of Rick Marshall's struggle with leiomyosarcoma, including: diagnosis, treatments, side effects. Includes links to LMS sites.
- NCI Fact Sheet: Questions and Answers About Soft Tissue Sarcomas - Updated 04/95 - About OncoLink
- NCI Smoking and Tobacco Control Monographs - "Cigarette smoking remains the single, major preventable cause of cancer deaths in the United States, far surpassing any other known environmental agents or risk factors. These Monographs summarize new information on public health interventions that hold the promise of reducing tobacco use".
- NCI's CancerNet Cancer Information - CancerNet
- Non-Hodgkin's Lymphomas - The Patient Centered Guides Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma resource center is for families coping with NHL.
- Novartis Oncology Living with Cancer Initiative - Novartis is determined to look beyond conventional sources in an effort to discover unique therapies in diverse areas of cancer research.
- Nutopian Nutrition and Health Products - Post-Chemo/Radiotherapy Relief, cancer, symptoms, pain, anxiety, insomnia, nausea, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, radiology, psp, peptide, symptoms, pain, anxiety, insomnia, nausea, chemotherapy, cancer, radiology, psp, peptide
- OncoLink: Neuroblastoma - Primary document on OncoLink for information about neuroblastoma.
- Oncology.com - Source of online cancer news and information for patients, health-care professionals and the entire cancer community.
- PDQ Clinical Trials Search Form - Health Professionals - PDQ
- R.A. Bloch Cancer Foundation - This is a non-profit organization dedicated to patient empowerment. It was founded by Richard Bloch, co-founder and honorary chairman of the board of H&R Block.
- Radiation Oncology Online Journal - Describes radiation therapy for cancer patients, including possible side effects.
- Related FAQs: sci.med.physics - Related FAQs:
- Sarcoma.net - Physician-edited site serving as an educational resource for patients with sarcomas to inform about the disease as well as options for treatment.
- sci.med.physics FAQs - University of Utrecht. Static Electric and Magnetic Fields and Cancer, Power Lines and Cancer, Cell Phone Antennas & Health
- SCRI - Hydrazine Sulfate
- Skin Cancer Foundation - The Skin Cancer Foundation provides information on skin cancer to the public.
- Skin Cancer Health Fact Sheet - Causes, Risk Factors, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, and prevention of skin cancer.
