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Medicine and Healthcare > Spiritual >
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iMahal suggests:
- Association of Spiritual Healers of Alberta - Home page of Association of Spiritual Healers of Alberta, giving information about spiritual healing, our regular healing sessions and classes.
- Astar Shamir - Voice Healer - Voice Healing is a unique healing practice that uses one's own voice to induce healing. Voice Healing is used to promote both physical and mental health and to improve various aspects of life.
- Barbara Brennan School of Healing® - Barbara Brennan School of Healing, founded by Barbara Brennan, best-selling author of Hands of Light, offers Professional Healing Science Certification through a unique, powerful hands-on healing system
- Bio-Magnetic Healing...Dr. Gregor Lowrey - You can feel good again - without drugs or surgery. Energy balancing and cell detoxification are the two main components of this work, which returns to "Innate" the ability to restore and maintain health. Practice located in Lehi, Utah. In practice since 1979.
- Body, Mind and SoulHealer - An integrated approach to alternative health, by combining medical intuition, clairvoyant readings, nutritional analysis and vibrational healing.
- Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends - Healing through the teaching of Bruno Gröning - The Medical/scientific group of specialists, an international Forum of the Healing Professions - Healings documented by doctors.
- Cerbone Healing Institute - CHI Healing Energy Courses - Featuring the very finest classes in CHI Healing / High Vibrational Energy Methods & Training Certification
- Christa Resources - " ...promotes a profound form of healing that affects all levels of one's being. Effectively clears negative influences and energies allowing one to acheive their highest ideals. Christa Energy Attunements allow you to build a strong permanent protective energy field that keeps further interference from occuring."
- Christa Resources - promotes the work and teachings of Adriene Wentworth who has developed a profound healing method that enhances and transforms all areas of your life.
- Christa Resources - Prior Lake, MN - A profound spiritual healing method that awakens you to your divine nature, protects from negative energies and removes physical and emotional blocks. Christa Resources promotes the works and teachings of Adriene Wentworth, spiritual healer, teacher and creator of the Christa Healing method.
- Conscious Connections - Emotional Freedom Technique/Thought Field Therapy clears blocked emotional and physical energy by tapping on the acupuncture meridian treatment points.
- Creative Healing for Women - "Women, you have the power to have it all!" A place to reconnect with your soul through dynamic guided imagery, energy healing, integrated bodywork, intuitive counseling, and grounding methods. Available in San Jose, CA and Southern Oregon locations.
- Dallas Society for Bioenergetic Analysis - Descriptions of bioenergetic psychotherapy, lists of Dallas area Certified Bioenergetic Therapists and links to other sites related to bioenergetics.
- Dittons Healing Centre - A bright, attractive and informative site about this non-profit, non-denominational healing Centre in Surrey, UK which offers the benefits of Reiki or Spiritual Healing FREE. Lots of information about the Centre and the history, understanding & practise of healing. FREE absent/distance healing obtainable direct from the site.
- Earth Ascension - Spiritual healing performed, including guided meditation, reiki, trance channeling, exorcism, animal, earth clearing, tarot, Native American, alien contact, angel message, ghost buster, Akashic Records and more.
- Electro-Crystal Therapy - Specialist in electro-crystal therapy for young mothers and children in Australia.
- Emotional Freedom & Healing News - Free twice-monthly newsletter available through this site. Provides energy therapy tools you can use to support healing and personal transformation.
- Energy Healing - To those who are genuinely searching assistance in clearing away unwanted conditions in their life. Wherever. Whatever.
- Energy Healing: The School of Energy Mastery - Advanced Energy Healing Teachers Certification Program. Reverent Healing and Divine Realization. Healers carry profound understanding of human energy field, solid therapeutic skills, and live within the deep love of God.
- Energy Healing with Eileen Dinolfo - Energy Healing is a gentle yet powerful holistic method of balancing & restoring health to the physical, emotional, mental & spiritual bodies.
- Energy Medicine Practitioner in Apache Junction, Arizona - Combines Intuitive Touch and Energy Medicine as Spiritual Healing for chronic health problems. Dr. Paul J. Abrahamsen, Apache Jct., AZ
- ESP Science Research Institute - Healing, instruction and consultation. Please ask us if you have any problems. We'll show you how to clear them by using your Super Willpower.
- Etheric Pulse Therapy - New energy modality for the support, expansion and balance of the physical and auric rhythms necessary for optimal health. Incorporates using totem guides and other spirit helpers.
- Florence Gaia - Wholistic Therapies - Counseling sessions & workshops using wholistic healing arts: shamanic journeys & readings, transformational breathwork, Reiki, Native teachings, women's support & empowerment. Topsfield, MA
- George's Sukyo Mahikari Page - Mahikari is the ancient art of giving the "Truelight" of the Creator of Heaven and Earth. This Light is radiated from the palms and purifies the spiritual cells of the body to bring about real change in our lives.
- Good Sam I Am - An organization dedicated to helping people live happier, healthier, longer
- Healing As Energy Transfer - through Hilarion via Lisa Holloway - Reprinted from the Sedona Journal of Emergence.
- Illumina - The mission of Illumina is to provide multi-faceted healing,(Cosmic Shamanism, Emotional Energetic Healing, Spiritually Based Personal & Business Coaching, Sacred Rituals, Shamanic Soul Retrieval, etc.) educational and spiritual awakening services.
- Inner Focus Advanced Energy Healing School - Explores the chakra systems and provides personal growth necessary to restore the energy system to health and balance. Located in Nevada.
- Institute for Orgonomic Science - Orgonomy and Wilhelm Reich - The IOS is an organization dedicated to the science of orgonomy which is involved with the prevention and treatment of human neurosis, the functioning of life energy (the orgone) in nature and man and more ...
- Intuitive Coaching - Energy healing in Cambridge, MA.
- Ki Energy Healing - Ki is energy posessed by all living things, both plant and animal. It provides relieve from pain, provides relaxation and heal yourself and others.
- Level II Tachyon Practitioner - operating in the Hawaiian Islands region. Experience the effects of tachyon like never before!
- Life Energy Healing - Interested in personal growth? According to Sas Carey, that's where healing begins. You can improve your life and turn transitions into opportunities with her classes, intuition course, and individual sessions.
- Loving Life Corporation - Self Help for stress and pain plus learning blocks, kinesiology, touch for health, muscle testing. Balancing techniques for repetitive stress injury, carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, headaches. Improve reading, spelling, math
- Mass Bay Holistic Health Center, Sharon, MA - Mass Bay Holistic Health Center uses energy therapy in the healing process. Reiki and Polarity therapies are utilized to maximize the patients benifit. Janice McNamara RN B.S.N. manages the center and insures patient care.
- Medical Intuition Consultations - "See the unseeable! Medical Intuition and Healing Insights that Transcend the Conventional."
- Medical Intuitive - Jennifer Boylan - A pioneer in energy medicine and it's effects on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual components of your life.
- Medicine Dreams, Herbs and Cellular Healing - An alternative healing resource center with information and services in wide variety of energetic modalities.
- On Line Medical Intuition Counsultations - Join America's gifted medical and natural healing intuitive - daily - for on line consultations, live, in real time. Pinpointing deep causes & focusing on whole person solutions.
- Open Doors - Offers diverse, interesting,and unusual products, classes, Free Psychic Readings, Reiki classes. Visit our School of Energy Healing. "Everyone is a Door that OPENS to a Whole New World"
- Pain Management Energy Healing - Offers A cure for chronic pain, physical energy healing. Try free; therapy rids the body of chronic pain.
- Paul Esch's Divine healing and healing music - Open yourself for the power of divine healing energy. get your aura and bioenergy field balanced and harmonized. healing seminars, group and individual healing sessions with Paul's uplifting and healing music, acuppressure, light massage and aromatherapy.
- Power Healing - Dr. Kearney's - Dr. David Kearney is one of the formost teachers of bioenergetic medicine in the U.S. and Australia. His "Healing Power Zones" video, available here, teaches you the nuts and bolts of self-healing.
- Restructuring Technologies Inc. - Kelowna, BC based specialists in bioenergetics, neurobalancing and neurofeedback.
- Sacred Glen - Psychic with 30 years real time local & regional experience offers Spiritual and Light/Energy healing services. First consultation is Free. One on One: Telephone, private chat room, or email exchanges. Prefers to "Make Relationship" for client-practitioner understanding and then do consultation. "On the Path of All Possibilities."
- Sanctuary Healing Center - 'Come With the World on Your Shoulders, Leave With Light in Your Heart' ... massage (still to be completed), Reiki, Aromatherapy
- S.Gordon Attias - New York - Services include craniosacral therapy, energy work, somatoemotional release work, visceral manipulation. Offices in New York (USA) and Caracas (Venezuela)
- Shen Chi: Spirit Healing - Shen Chi- meaning Spiritual Energy is a new self healing modality that is especially helpful with emotional problems, such as stress, anxiety,anger, fear and addictions. This can be easily learned on the website, and has a personal coach/trainer available for help. Also great for kids
- Shen Therapy - Practitioner of this bioflux method in Seattle, Washington.
- Simply Love - Rae Chapple: Channel for Archangel Metatron, The Great One & Archangel Michael. EMF Balancing Technique teacher & practitioner. Reiki Master. Crystal worker & teacher
- Soul.cc Healers Network - A network of healers employing a wide variety of healing modalities to provide distant healing through direct requests from those in need and through a unique healing page which has been imbued with their healing energies.
- Souls Journey Thru Awakening - Spiritual healing, energy healing, acupuncture and psychotherapy by Kimberly Cahill and Warren Cargal in Atlanta.
- South Wales Alternative Network - offers information about Spiritual Healing, Gem Elixirs, the Chakras, etc. We also offer Distance Healing.
- Southwood Healing Institute - Your source for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing; healing of body, mind, and spirit; and increasing your awareness through the use of energy and unconditional love. Available; healing appointments, lectures, seminars, workshops, books, tapes, and newsletter.
- Spiritual Healing with Rebecca Kurtz - Experience Spiritual Healing with Teacher and Facilitator, Rebecca Kurtz: meditation, Reiki, crystals, clairvoyance, channeling, kundalini
- Stillpoint Institute - Stillpoint Institute and Meredith Young-Sowers offer medical intuitive and intuitive counseling training using the human energy field and mentors.
- Stressredress - Alison L.Murtough is an emotional therapist and VortexHealing therapist practicing in London, UK.
- Sumacs Spiritual Site - Personal site of an occupational health nurse practitioner of aromatherapy and spiritual healing. With link to soul.cc and search engine.
- Sunbeams Healing Sanctuary - message board page for Spiritual Healing requests
- Three Dimensional Healing - We offer psychic healing, holistic consulting and lifestyle counseling. Wide range of healing services offered.
- Vibrational Healing Workshops - Vibrational Healing workshops taught by Dr. Clint Thompson using the teachings of Swami Kaleswar of Pennukonda, India.
