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Shopping > Canada > Automobiles >
iMahal choice:
Currently there are no links in this category. Please check back periodically.
iMahal suggests:
- Auto123 - We make car shopping as easy as 1-2-3 .
- autobytel.ca - autobytel.ca has received over 1.5 million purchase requests over the last three years, primarily dealing in new cars but also providing extensive research information online. This is a referral service to accredited dealers across Canada and the U.S.
- Automall Atlantic - A comprehensive listing of new and used cars, car dealers and a used car inventory database.
- AUTONET.CA - A Canadian new/used car dealer directory. Allows on-line brochure requests, finance/loan info and applications and gives price comparisons, specs and reviews of cars, vans, SUVs and pickup trucks.
- AutoTrader - Looking for a car, truck, minivan, motorcycle, boat, jet-ski, snowmobile or a caterpilla, you'll find everything you need here.
- Autoweb Canada - Autoweb.com is the most comprehensive automotive site on the Internet, allowing you to buy new and used cars, as well as sell used cars and research the latest models down to the specs. Listings are by province; some are lacking severely in entries.
- BMW Canada - The official Canadian BMW web site provides detailed information on current BMW car and motorcycle model line-ups.
- Canadian Online Automotive Directory - A comprehensive automotive directory and search engine featuring automotive links from coast to coast.
- CarsByNet - Find any make or model of new or used car in your area by using our custom search engine. We feature cars from dealers all across Ontario.
- Europarts - Wholesale high performance parts for imported automobiles. Serving discriminating customers since 1967.
- Pro Body Parts - Specializing in replacement auto parts.
- Quebec Virtual Used Vehicles Market Place - Access to hundred of used vehicles (with picture) available in Quebec and more. Exportation in the whole world. (First page is in French, but with an option for English)
- The Birchwood Automotive Group - Winnipeg's largest automotive dealer. Offering marques such as BMW, Buick, GMC, Land Rover, Honda, etc.
