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Shopping > USA > Computers >
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iMahal suggests:
- 3DHardware.net - Reviews of video cards, motherboards, audio, miscellaneous. Also a section with various articles - editorials, guides and features.
- AberBid - computer hardware auctions. - Aberbid offers online auctions for high performance computer hardware upgrades, motherboards, motherboard kits, processors and memory with new auctions starting daily.
- Accounting Software Shop - Online, ecommerce site for the purchase of QuickBooks, Peachtree, Business Works and many other systems. Includes comparisons and easy online ordering.
- Active-Hardware - Reviews of computer hardware.
- Advanced Computer - Computer systems and software.Over 150,000 software titles available.
- Anandtech Hardware Reviews - Independent hands-on reviews of computer hardware such as motherboards, graphic cards, CPUs, etc.
- Ars Technica - The PC enthusiast's resource.
- Auction for Computers & Networking Equipment - Buy and sell Computer and networking equipment from Cisco, 3Com, Cabletron, Gateway, Toshiba, Intel, HP and others.
- Auction US Computers & Software - Buy and sell new or used computers and software. Including desktop, laptop, notebook,cpu's, memory, modems and many types of software.
- Auction Watchers - directory lets you compare online auctions for hardware and software.
- Auction4it.com - Auction4it.com Canadian Online Auction.
- AuctioNet.com - you to set the price on today's technology. We feature hundreds of name brands. Computers, Consumer Electronics and much More.
- Auctionhome - Sell all kinds of Software and hardware. - Listing is free!
- AuctionISP.net for the ISP Community - AuctionISP.net is designed for the ISP Community. You can find unlimited resources on RADIUS authentication software
- Auction-Warehouse - Auction-Warehouse features auctions on name-brand computers, software, peripherals, games, electronics, and an ever-increasing number of personal auctions.
- Bargain Bins - Games, utilities, and educational titles priced under ten dollars.
- Bargainsite Online Computer Auction - Buy computers, consumer electronics, professional film, video, and audio equipment at bargain prices on-line and at public live auctions.
- Beyond.com - A large software retailer on the internet. Features top software titles from many categories and publishers.
- BidShack.com Online Auction Services - General auction site with Computer Categories
- Bookmark Software - online sales of computer software, books, and gifts
- BOWIENET - Software for harness horse racing fans and handicappers.
- Business Programs - Computer software programs designed to help run and maintain your business.
- Buyonet Software - Electronic software delivery with over 20 currencies and 5 languages.
- BuyPCSoft - Online reseller of computer software to individuals, businesses and the enterprise market.
- BuySoftware - A software retailer with a number of "affiliates" who can customize the presentation of the same centrally managed data.
- BX Board Reviews. - A site dedicated to Intel BX chipset motherboards (Pentium & Cerelon CPUs) and peripherals. Overclocking, hardware reviews and all other information about BX boards.
- CDBash - Popular computer software from business to greeting cards. Y2k, antivirus utlitites, childrens, home, students, business and builders software.
- Cheap Software - Features brand name software for students and teachers.
- CNET Computers.com - Reviews and editor's picks from CNet.
- CompHardware.com - For users of both Windows and Linux. Home of the Linux Hardware Database, which is a comprehensive list of compatible and incompatible hardware with the Linux OS. The site includes reviews, optimizing tips, and news bites.
- CompUSA Auctions - Auctions of refurbished, discontinued, and returned items, organized by category. Search function available.
- Computer Buying Secrets - A Definitive Guide - Computer buying guide on how to buy a computer, finding computer bargains and computer buying tips.
- Computer Car Boot Online Auctions - The place to find that bargain. - Computer Carboot online auctions, provide a meeting place for people hunting for a bargain or to make a sale. Wanted ad's can also be placed.
- Computer Learning Lab - Our Learning Center is overflowing with interactive training tutorials. Its just like having your very own private tutor. In short we teach today's popular software in "See Spot Run" language.
- Computer Reviews - Frequently updated and annotated links to the best computer hardware sites on the Net, as well as a collection of information-packed feature articles about computer hardware. From About.com.
- Computer Software Liquidations - Deep discounts on liquidations & closeout specials. Availability is always limited.
- Computers-R-Us.org - Over 100,000 of the latest titles and products available.
- ComputingPros.com - Computer hardware news and reviews.
- ComputingReview.com - Computers, cell phones, MP3 Player, printers, scanners and other peripherals reviewed and rated by unbiased users.
- Coolcomputing - Hardware news, performance issues, reviews, tips, software and game reviews.
- CorelDRAW 8 - Graphic illustration software package. Used for vector illustration, graphic design, publishing and more.
- CPU Info Center - Facts and data about CPUs.
- CPUReview - A computer hardware site covering processors, motherboards, video cards and other PC related technology, with detailed benchmark results.
- Crescent Software - Competitive prices for in stock/available software. We guarantee the product we sell.
- Custom Computer Services - Providing our customers with quality components and top of the line computers. Software and hardware are also sold at great prices.
- Cyberswap - Cyberswap is a great source AND outlet for new, excess and refurbished computer products and consumer electronics.
- Dan's Data - PC hardware reviews, tutorials, reprints of Daniel Rutter's Step By Step column and more. Based in Sydney, Australia.
- DataSavers Auction Deals - DataSavers features auctions on name-brand computers, software, peripherals, games, electronics, and an ever-increasing number of personal auctions. FREE 5.00 Deal Bucks towards your first purchase.
- Dave's Guide to Buying a Home Computer - Common sense guide to buying and maintaining a home computer and links to on-line computer courses taught by the author.
- Deb-E-Books Digital River Software Store
- Design Concepts Unlimited, Inc. - Over 53,000 major name brand names. Downloadable software, product reviews, online order status tracking, and secure online ordering.
- Digital Auction-The Home of Digital Deals - An online interactive auction of PC's, systems and components. Bidding usually starts at our wholesale cost, with auctions closing twice a week.
- Downloadstore.com - Find it, Buy it, and download it instantly -- Your source for popular titles for Windows, Macintosh and DOS systems.
- DRM Systems - Value added reseller and distributor of Traverse computer software since 1995.
- Dux Computer Digest - A digest of PC hardware and software reviews, and how-to articles, and trouble-shooting tips from the unique perspective of an operational computer repair shop.
- Earthweb Direct - Buy new or visit our online auction for software, books, computers, servers, notebooks, hard drives, modems and more.
- Easy Downloads - Buy and download software on-line.
- eBuyingGuides - How to buy a computer. The basics of what to look for when buying a desktop computer.
- eGames - Family Friendly Games for All Ages - Extensive range of games in an online store.
- egghead.com | Onsale.com - Source for buying computer products at verified wholesale prices everyday.
- Egghead.com Auctions - Egghead.com provides a superior online shopping experience by letting the consumer Shop Three Times Smarter for Computers, Software, Surplus items and action-packed auctions!
- e-MacShare - FREE used and new Macintosh only classifieds. Buy, sell and trade, updated daily.
- e-news - A french computer news/technology site. Actualité francophone PC.
- ePCDeals.com - Offers a wide variety of Seagate/Veritas Backup Exec Software. All Y2K ready all at discounted pricing.
- Epinions - Read others' opinions of computer products, and leave your own.
- eSabertooth Software - Online resellers of computer software to individuals and businesses at discount prices.
- eWays Limited - Online secure sales of PC software, mutlimedia, educational, business, home design, reference, special interests, games software.
- E-Z Auction - E-Z Auction Auctions the way they should be....FREE. Computer Related Items ONLY !!
- E-Z Market - E-Z Market, General Merchandise Auction site with Computer Categories. Free Listings
- Formitecho Information Technology - Software retailer of home software, office software, children software, games and playstation games.
- FreeJu - Custom software solutions, including learning software for middle and high-school students.
- Frenzy Auction - General Merchandise site with computer related items.
- Furby Screen Saver - Sells Furby screensaver. Requires Windows 95/98.
- Game Giant - Huge selection of PC & Mac Games.
- Gamecenter.com - Hardware - News and reviews of PC gaming hardware - 3D graphics cards, sound boards, joysticks, steering wheels, computer systems, and more.
- Genesis NetShop - A service provided by Genesis Networks.
- Genesis Technologies, Inc. - We carry over 2500 products from over 60 publishers. Our software may be purchased by students, faculty, staff of educational institutions, as well as public libraries and hospitals which are wholly owned by educational institutions.
- Global Auction Club - 24-hour online auction source for computer systems, memory, processors, hard drives, cd-rom drives, system boards and software.
- Goodwin's - Featuring only the highest rated computer products available.
- gotSoftware.com - The one stop software shop
- Haggle Online - Computers and other items for sale around the clock.
- Hardware Pros - Provides reviews of the latest PC hardware as well as daily news of whats happening in the industry. Large selection of downloads and hardware forum to discuss your hardware problems.
- HardwareCentral - Technical computer hardware product reviews including: motherboards, CPUs, memory chips, video cards and more.
- HardwareZone - Latest I.T. news, reviews and price lists for Singapore.
- Hooks Internet Services - Hundreds of titles, online sucure shopping.
- How To Choose A New Computer - An educational reference site for choosing a new computer and learning the terminology.
- http://www.highband.net - The first Indian website to buy and sell networking products. Highband Communications offers complete support for all the networking and ecommerce services.
- InfoHQ Computer Buying Advice - Computer news and rumors, tech information and help, and advice on buying and upgrading laptop and desktop computers. Extensive coverage of current and future CPUs.
- Internet Shopping Outlet - Operates one of the world's largest Internet superstores in terms of computer hardware, software, books, games, CD-ROMs, autos and other computing and entertainment products.
- IT Reviews - Independent reviews by professional journalists. A UK web site for independent reviews by professional journalists. Reviews for hardware, software, games, and I.T.-related books.
- Jakarta - Store and daily magazine with over 1200 products at discount prices. Save up to 50% on some lines. Updated daily with new products.
- Jessica's Treasures - Online Auction Computer related categories
- K.A. Enterprise Online - A wholesale software reseller in California. We buy/sell OEM and retail software nation wide. If you are a reseller, stop by to check us out.
- LostCircuits - Hardware reviews, motherboards, cpus, video cards etc. - unbiased opinions, bulletin board.
- MacReviewZone - Index listing of all online Macintosh related hardware and software reviews plus interesting articles and monthly contest
- MacSpeedZone - Macintosh hardware and software performance reviews , other peformance related information, interesting articles and monthly contest
- MakeItSimple - Hardware, game, and technology news, reviews, & tips.
- Mareco Academic - Offers academic discounts to students and teachers on a number of different software products.
- Matranet - E-business software solutions, offers several comprehensive electronic business products to help your company give your customers personal attention and superior service.
- Morgan Auction - morgan auction is the UK's largest online computer auction of surplus, end of line and low price computer equipment, including some brand new equipment
- MouseTrap Network - The latest hardware reviews and technologies
- NeoSeeker - Search engine that helps you find hardware and game reviews and resources such as hints, walkthroughs and guides from the top gaming and hardware sites on the net.
- Net-Auctions - Online Auctions, computer software, Live Auctions, Computer peripherals ...
- Nextbid Auction - Computer Product related Auction
- NorthStar Solutions - NorthStar Solutions sells a large number of software products, particularly shareware, as well as other Internet-related items.
- OGC Software - Offers a wide range of computer software and select hardware at competitive prices.
- On-line software shop - Games, business, DTP, Geographical, Hobbies etc. UK firm
- ONSALE Auction Supersite - Computer products, consumer electronics, sporting goods, and classified auctions.
- Onsale Auction - Specializing in computer equipment.
- PC Benchmarks Hardware Reviews Index - Searchable directory of computer hardware review articles.
- PC Essentials - Design and build a computer system. Select and load an operating system. Set up a network. Price comparisons and locaters.
- PC Hardware Romania - The best hardware site in eastern Europe with reviews,drivers, hardware, prices, advices, how-to, links, benchmarking.
- PC Mechanic - The Internet Guide To Do-It-Yourself Computing!
- PC Specs - Houston Chronicle computing columnist Dwight Silverman's recommended minimum specifications when shopping for a computer, updated frequently.
- PC Surplus Software - We have lowered the prices below market pricing to offer the best possible prices. Liquidation items come from Corporations, Education, Government Agencys, Auctions, Surplus Centers, Clearance stores and many more.
- PC World Online - Printer page links to reviews of the top 400 Hardware and Software.
- PCinsight - Hardware news and reviews on the web.
- Pcubid - General merchandise auction site with a large percentage of computer related items
- PlanetHardware - Daily news and reviews on anything hardware related.
- Purplus Soft - Your Software Resource - Software for your PC, MAC, and Playstation.
- RaveReviews - Secure downloadable software.
- ReviewBooth - Organized, searchable collection of thousands of links to published computer hardware and software product reviews.
- Reviewnews.com - The latest computer hardware review and computer technology news.
- SaveRight Entertainment Software - Software Retailer E-Store with a large selection and availability of software. Cookies must be enabled.
- Slingo - from CD-ROM Access - Has both Mac and Windows CDs.
- SLINGO CD-ROM - one of the easier ways to get the CD version.
- Softbuys - Large selection of name brand software titles. We stock all the major brands and offer excellent savings as well.
- SoftGuide - An interactive buyer´s guide that helps find software based on common categories and search terms. Some information is a bit out of date.
- Software & Stuff - PC software, hardware, computer systems and peripherals
- Software 2U - Mail Order Software - Mail order software to anywhere in Australia. Low prices and free frieght for orders over A$200. We supply many brands of software,licences and hardware
- Software Clearance Outlet - Find thousands of new and discontinued software titles at wholesale prices. We buy closeouts, manufacturer blowouts, auctions, and liquidations, and sell it cheap.
- Software Depot - Software titles for web developers at low prices.
- Software Galore - Games, Entertainment, Education and more.
- Software Island - Order and download software on-line
- Software Land
- Software Paradise - Research, price, and purchase software titles and have them quickly delivered to your door. Our store also offers a huge array of downloadable software.
- Software Showcase - Discounts on software, hardware, books and training CDs
- Software Station - Buy software and hardware online. Download the software you have purchased.
- Software Stores and Retailers - Software retailers offering easy shopping with online secure ordering.
- software.net - Purchase and download software online
- Software2Buy - Buy or download 145,000 software titles from our secure server. Featuring software in all categories.
- SoftwareBuyLine - Try, purchase and download software online. Purchases online require a credit card or you can order by phone. Right now, a 15% discount is available on all purchases, and there is free shipping.
- SoftwareHouse.com - Software titles for Windows and Mac.
- SoulMan Software - Building the web with soul.We are helping small businesses, organizations, and individuals get on the web. we provide everything your business needs to establish and maintain a web presence.
- SPEED-E Software Solutions - Sells software for download or shipment
- Star Media,Inc. - Software wholesaler and distributor of PC software to software resellers, PC resellers, system integrators and consultants.
- Sunnyland Software - Suppliers of computer software to resellers, consultants, corporate entities, and individuals.
- Super7 PC Hardware Guide - Comprehensive reviews of CPUs, Motherboards, graphic cards, RAM, storage, and overclocking of Super7 PC's.
- Swift Computer Supply, Inc. - Offering computers, hardware, software and accessories. Low prices and Next Day delivery!!!
- SysOpt.com - Hardware reviews and user-submitted reviews for motherboards, processors, graphics cards, sound cards, monitors.
- TechEverything.com - Over 49,000 computer hardware, software and accessory items.
- The CPU Scorecard - A comparative price/performance listing of all Intel, AMD, Cyrix, and competitive CPUs -- with news, views, and pricing for your next CPU or computer upgrade.
- The High-Performance PC Guide - General computer hardware information including system performance tuning tips, hardware reviews, drivers, manufacturers listings, Benchmark programs, Forums and much much more...
- The Meter - The enthusiasts' yardstick for PC hardware.
- The Ohio Auction & Classifieds - Online Auction Computer related categories
- The Public Eye - The Cyberspace equivalent of the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval. Public Eye is a consumer Intelligence company that tests, certifies and monitors Internet businesses for reliability and customer satisfaction. Consumers may also file complaints and get reports on Internet Businesses
- The Review Zone Tech Toys Reviews - Reviews cool tools for computing and fun. Includes Apple/Power Macintosh/iMac hardware and others.
- The Software Cellar - All titles $9.99 or less
- The Software Shelf - Select from thousands of software titles and purchase online.
- TheView - Hardware reviews & news. Also a 'Talk Back' discussion forum.
- Tom's Hardware Guide - All kinds of technical product reviews including: motherboards, CPUs, memory chips, video cards and more.
- Treasure Hunt 2000 Online Auction - General Merchandise auction site with computer related items
- uBid4it Premier Online Auction - Features online auctions with new, refurbished, liquidated, and closed out computers and parts, toys, and more...
- UK Games - PlayStation, Nintendo, Sega and PC games and accessories
- UniPress Software - Provides a vast array of software products for issues ranging from connectivity, helpdesk, terminal emulation, device driver development, security, Our Products work on several differant platforms.
- VBxtras - Carries every product imaginable for Visual Basic developers. Carries ActiveX controls, COM components, programming utilities, and more. Showcases for premier software publishers such as Sheridan, Apex, Videosoft, FarPoint, WISE, ForeFront, and over 100 other vendors.
- Web Pro - Buy CD-ROM software on-line. 100's of Titles. Great software deals.
- Webdata Software Price Comparisons - With a single search, you can comparison shop across multiple major online software stores.
- WebWatchdog - Independently provides customer satisfaction ratings based on surveys from the actual customers of online merchants.
- Windows Hardware Reviews at WinReviews.Com - Reviews of Windows compatible hardware.
- Your Software Reseller - Many older titles in stock as well as the latest releases. We resell on a consignment basis, so inventory changes daily.
- ZDNet Auctions - Organized into categories with search function available.
- ZDNet UK Reviews - Desktop PCs, notebooks, handhelds, printers, monitors and peripherals.
- ZoneTrader.com - ZoneTrader.com offers business hardware that's "New to You" in an online auction format.
