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Shopping > USA > Health and Beauty >
iMahal choice:
- Eve.com
- Eve.com homepage delivers the best brands in beauty: cosmetics, fragrances, skincare, and more. 24 hour access to prestige brands from the comfort of your home.
- K-Mart Health & Beauty - Online shopping for health and bath products, including gifts, shower aids, walkers, massagers, canes and crutches, fragrances, and cosmetic bags at K-Mart. Free unlimited Internet access and email.
- The Lipstick Page
- Find out what shade of lipstick your favorite movie star is wearing. This page also includes links to a variety of cosmetic companies.
- Were-it.com - Health and wellness, weight loss and environmental care products.
iMahal suggests:
- 21st Century Medical - Wheelchairs, bath safety, moblility, diagnostics, and diabetic supplies.
- 5thAvenueBoutique - Essential Luxury Online - Premium cosmetics, skincare, and designer fragrances.
- A Patient's Guide to the Internet - A step-by-step guide for patients seeking medical information on the Internet.
- Access Place Health - Link collection about medical news, health and fitness and some medical specialties.
- Achoo Healthcare Online - Portal and directory for medical news and information.
- Adrian Arpel - Upscale cosmetics, cleansers, and moisturizers for the face. Order online or find a salon near you.
- AFE Cosmetics & Skincare - A full line of salon quality natural cosmetic and skincare products.
- Aleeda Grace - Manufacturers of the finest cosmetics, health and beauty care and toiletries for skin and hair care and other beauty products.
- Aloe-based Cosmetics - The "Sonya Colour Collection" is an aloe-based, pure and natural cosmetic line. Though only about a year old, it's already taken the world by storm. See what the excitement is about - and enjoy cosmetics that actually help your skin be it's beautiful best in an all-natural way.
- Amway - Amway has a line of skin care products and cosmetics in addition to their household products.
- Andrew's W3 Pages - Index to medical information and resources.
- Antibiotic Colloidal Silver and Cosmetics - Colloidal Silver natural antibiotic and fine French cosmetics by Danielle L'Don.
- AOL.Com Health Web Centers: Tests and Tools - Informational question and answer tool for assessing your personal health and fitness. Addresses a variety of common conditions, diseases, and disorders.
- Aphrodite Beauty World - Everything you want in a cosmetic store. Lancome, Orlane, Ahava, Elizabeth Arden, skin care tips and more. Online secure ordering from the comfort of your home.
- Arbonne - Enjoy natural make-up with no harmful chemicals or artificial ingredients. Large selection of colors for all skin tones.
- Ask the Doctors - Question and answer medical information site provided by physicians.
- Assured Health Products - Blended health products for complete health and fitness
- AudioHealth - Audio files on health topics with related links.
- Auropa - Health and beauty products that make a difference, including cosmetics and skin care products.
- Aveda - Aveda's line of products are manufactured with plant-derived ingredients and never tested on animals. View the latest ads and find a salon in your area.
- Avis Karmichael - Online purchase of those personal care products that may be embarassing to purchase in person.
- Avon - It's not just for your mother anymore.
- Awarebuy - Online shopping mall for health products.
- Bar-Lor Makeup - Fashion makeup and cosmetics for teens. Glitter, paints, hot neons for body, face, lips, and nails.
- Bear Pawss Traders - Temple builders native american herbal products distributor.
- Beauty Advice by Productopia - Get the latest beauty tips and trends for face, skin, and hair from Productopia's fashion experts.
- Beauty Jungle - Magazine, advice, shops, boutiques, and spas.
- Beauty Without Cruelty - Introducing a complete line of cosmetics and aromatherapy hair and skin care products. All products are 100% vegetarian and are not tested on animals.
- BeautyOnSale.Com - Offers products from Revivre Cosmetiques and Ligne St. Barth.
- beautyscene.com - Source for beauty products and supplies, makeup advice, beauty tips, and trends. Ask experts about the latest in cosmetics, hair styles, and skin care.
- Beautyscene - Purchase blush, concealer, foundation, mascara and other cosmetics and makeup products from this online retailer.
- Bellisima Beauty Boutique - Offers beauty products from around the world.
- BeneFit Cosmetics - Laughing is the best cosmetic... so grin and wear it... BeneFit.
- Better Health - A health community offering health information and health care support on a wide variety of topics. Internal search engine; chat.
- BH California - Founded in Beverly Hills. Offers premium quality health and beauty aids for women, men, and children. Secure shopping. USA orders only.
- Biofeedback Instrument Corporation - A reminder watch that helps someone to remember to take medication or do certain chores/activities.
- Biotherm Cosmetics - These skin care products are a concentrate of active ingredients from thermal waters. They stimulate the skin's natural functions while respecting its balance.
- Biozhem Advanced Skin Care Products - Line of products for skin care, including foundations, lipsticks, and much more.
- BluePrint for Health - A health and wellness portal which provides health information, personalized newsletters and interactive health tools.
- Bobbi Brown Cosmetics - Cosmetics used by many celebrities with a complete line of cosmetics, skincare products, and brushes. Order online, view the latest products, and receive beauty tips.
- Bocklet Cosmetic Onlineshop - cosmetics and parfumes available online
- Body1.com - Health news and medical information community for consumers.
- Bodytronics Fitness Electronics - Heart rate monitors, pedometers, body fat testers and more.
- Bonne Bell - Line of products including their famous Ten-0-Six cleanser (not tested on animals). Find links to other cool sites, enter contests, and find the nearest retailer near you.
- Bonne Forme - Offers vitamins, skin care products, cosmetics, herbals, and special formulas by Dr. Penny Wise-Budoff.
- Booth Elliott & Co Ltd - Pearlie White Tooth Enamel is simple to use and can make your teeth look naturally white.
- Brush Off - Cosmetics and makeup brush cleaning techniques to benefit every woman who wears makeup. Introducing Brush Off, a professional makeup brush cleaner.
- Butterfly Mail - Free health and fitness newsletters sent regularly, including fitness tips for life, healthy living, herbal hotwire, and biotech news.
- Canyon Cosmetics - Offers cosmetics, perfume, skincare, mirrors, candles, and gifts.
- Cara International - Makeup line offering lipsticks, foundations, shadows. Specializing in latino and ethnic complexions.
- Caresoft.com - This sites offers a wealth of health related information on a wide variety of topics. Up-to-date health news available.
- Casino on the Internet - CasinoOnNet, one of largest casinos on the internet. Free download.
- CBS HealthWatch - Provides information and interactive health management tools across a variety of disciplines.
- ChoosingHealth.com - Find detailed information about hospitals and register your satisfaction with your medical care.
- Christian Dior Paris - See the line of products from Dior Paris including make-up, fragrances, cosmetics, beauty care, and skincare. Find your cosmetic boutique. In French and English.
- Christian Science shortwave broadcast periodicals. - Gives information on accessing Christian Science broadcasts while hospitalized.
- Clarins - Clarins line of make-up, skincare, and self-tanning products. Visit the Beauty Institute and advice areas, read about what's making the news, and about the Company. In French and English.
- Class Cosmetics - Massive discounts on world famous brand name cosmetics. You can save up to 75% on quality products, which range from Lipstick to Eye Creams. Along with the usual lotions and potions Class Cosmetics offers an exclusive Luxury Handmade skincare range from Amazon Cosmetics.
- Clinique - Find out which products are right for you and determine your skin type, find your counter and when it's bonus time, and read about the latest issue of the month. Products for men and women can be ordered online. In French and English.
- CNN Health - Health news, chats and advice from CNN
- Co-Al Cosmetics - Offers cosmetics and skin care products.
- Color Investment - The originator of Feng Shui Cosmetics -- the line includes blushes, lipsticks, mascaras, foundations, makeup brushes and skin care.
- Colour Cosmetics - An exclusive line of cosmetics formulated in Italy. They come in elegant compacts and have made "getting gorgeous" simple with coordinated make-up for wardrobes.
- Colour Image Cosmetics - Looking Good Feeling Good with natural herbs which creates Natural Beauty. Experience a real pleasure in using and wearing these advanced personal care products
- Combined Health Information Database - A database produced by health-related agencies of the Federal Government. Provides titles, abstracts, and availability information for health information and health education resources.
- Comfort Buddies - Pain relief: cotton fleece corn-filled cozy critters, provide moist heat or comfortable cold.
- Consumer Reports® Online - Lots of information and advice on health products, services, and decisions.
- Cosmetics Bag - Offers a variety of cosmetics, nail care, teen products, fragrances and accessories.
- Cosmetics by Marlene Klein - Professional makeup artist with a complete line of cosmetics. Find tips, links, and pick your colors. Order online, by telephone, or via fax.
- Cosmetics Counter - The most intelligent way to buy cosmetics
- Cosmetics Manufacturer of Turkey - Kopas has been manufacturing cosmetics and personal care products for over 25 years. Kopas develops and manufactures its own brands as well as the products from Cooper Cosmetics S.A., Intercosmo S.A., and Revlon Professional products under licence agreement.
- Cosmetics on the Go - Mail order cosmetics courses and cosmetic products.
- CountryNurse.com - Includes information on clinics, family wellness, disease prevention, diet, exercise and pharmacies.
- Cover Girl - Get color matched, sign up for their online newsletter, view their latest products, and receive your monthly beauty horoscope.
- Covermark Cosmetics - The original, and still leading, cosmetic for concealing skin blemishes of all types. The only makeup ever granted a U.S. patent.
- Custom Direct To You - Offers hypoallergenic and fragrance-free cosmetics.
- Cynthia Cardinale Cosmetics - Premier cosmetics at internet prices.
- Daily Apple - Health news, reviews and reference material covering a variety of health concerns, as well as support and discussion groups.
- Dattel and Company - Offers the Erno Laszlo cosmetic line.
- DayTips' Health Reader - A free mailing list which sends subscribers (Monday through Friday) news on health, medicine, and technology.
- Debra Macki Cosmetics - Developed by Boston based makeup artist Debra MacKinnon to make every woman feel like a supermodel. Visit our online makeup store. The official cosmetics line of Miss Massachusetts USA & Miss Vermont USA.
- Diagnostic Doc - Free medical service providing information about diagnosis and treatment of a variety of diseases. Enter symptoms to find possible diagnoses of illnesses.
- Digital City - Health - Health resources and providers across the United States.
- Discovery Health - Offers news and a variety of health information resources.
- Diseases, Disorders and Related Topics - Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. Comprehensive listings of links to medical information, most reliable, some not.
- DoctorInfo - Provides searches for background information on medical doctors or doctors of osteopathic medicine.
- Dots2.com - Thousands of cosmetic products to choose from.
- Dr. Koop's Community - Former Surgeon General Koop's resources for health information. A wide variety of topics, an encyclopedia, pharmacopeia, and resources guide.
- Drysol - Stop sweating - recommended by Dear Abby.
- Earthglow Cosmetics - Earthglow Cosmetics offers self tanners, bronzers, body lotions, and make-up brushes for people who want to get that natural glow without the harmful effects of the sun.
- Educare Health Products Ltd. - Educare provides innovative health products throughout North America and Asia.
- ElderCorner - Products and daily living aids for seniors and those who provide services to the elderly.
- Elessia Cosmetics And Skin Care - Products tailored specifically for black woman and women with a variety of skin tones.
- E-Med Direct - Sells consumer related medical products and equipment directly to individuals.
- Emerald Secrets - Offering Royal Perfection products for the ultimate in healthy skin nutrition and anti-aging.
- English Ideas - Products include cosmetics, accessories, and skincare products. Online ordering available.
- E-Pill - Offering an assortment of electronic reminders for taking medications.
- Erno Laszlo - Skin care programs for oily, dry, and normal skin, eye makeup, blush, foundation, and other beauty products. Promotions and events in Seattle and Bellevue, Washington.
- Fa Cosmetics - Distributes the complete Fa line. Find Fa soap, gel, foam, deodorant, and fragrances.
- Facestation - Cyber one-stop shop for all facial needs with soft, transparent shades and colors for eyes, lips, and face.
- Far Eastern Health Products - Asiatic Mall imports authentic oriental products from the Far East into the US.
- Fashion Hot Water Bottles - Hot water bottles: plush, transparent, for natural heat and cold therapy.
- Femme Cosmetics - Makeup for the new millennium. Femme cosmetics offers women a choice; makeup for all skin types. Women who discover femme are women of timeless beauty.
- Find a Doctor in Your Area - Geographic directory of doctors with links to their websites.
- Fingernail Stamps - Tool designed to make the French manicure easy to apply.
- Fitness Things - Suppliers of home and commercial exercise equipment.
- Flashtrends - Health and lifestyle news.
- Florida Direct Decor - All sponges found on our web site are hand-cut from the Florida Gulf Coast, all natural and unprocessed.
- Fruit-Eze - Prunes, dates and raisins to establish regularity, avoid constipation & impactions.
- Genevieve-Skin-Care - Aloe Vera based Cosmetics and Skin Care items.
- GetWell.org - Offers resources for consumers on medical conditions, treatment and research.
- GlamourTech.com - First search engine directory of beauty service professionals and latest european cosmetics, hair care, skin care, and hairdiamonds.
- GlobalMedic - Personalized health tools with checkups, health quizes, and a health encyclopedia
- Gloss.com - Online beauty store and magazine. Shop for all major brands of cosmetics.
- Hangover Solutions Inc. - An effervescent tablet with natural ingredients to relieve a hangover the morning after.
- Health A to Z - Includes a directory of more than 50,000 professionally-reviewed Internet resources, supportive online communities, and a calendar.
- Health Basked - Offers thousands of products and hundreds of top brands.
- Health Communication Network - Provides the up-to-date health information on a variety of subjects.
- Health Depot - Directory to health and medical sites about diet, fitness, disabilities, diseases, health resources, products and sales.
- Health In Depth - Health information links to newspapers, magazines and internet resources.
- Health Power for the Powerless - Listening, sleeping, physical health focus site.
- Health Surfing - Offers current medical and health news. E-mail updates are available.
- HealthAnswers - Contains health news and information, including a health encyclopedia.
- HealthCheck Risk Assessment - Useful health risk assessment.
- Health-E-World - Offering pain relief the drug free way with a portable TENS system.
- healthfinder (tm) - - Resource for consumer health and human services.
- HealthFrontier.com - Offers information including diseases and conditions, nutrition, exercise, mental health, live discussions and a message board.
- Healthgoods - Products to create a healthier lifestyle.
- Healthgrades.com - Grades the performance of hospitals, physicians, health plans, nursing homes and other health care providers in the United States.
- HealthStatus - Free reports on body fat percentage, body mass index, calorie burning activities, target heart rate and smoking costs. Online health risk assessment which provides resources based on your health risks.
- HealthStreet Interactive - Search service to find a physician, dentist, hospitals and health plans.
- HealthWindows - A membership healthcare network that helps individuals to become more knowledgeable and active participants in managing their personal health.
- Helpful Health Resources - Links to a wide variety of health sites.
- Herb Catalog International - International e-commerce Herb store.
- Home Health Mall - A resource of health aids for the elderly and disabled.
- ibeauty.com - Shop for cosmetics by brand, obtain advice and sign up for a newsletter, secure online shopping available.
- iBio - Directory of more than 1400 diseases and their signs and symptoms.
- Idea Cosmetics - Manufacturer and wholesaler of cosmetics with private labels programs. Also, retails directly to consumers thru internet.
- I-Iman.com - Official site for Iman. Browse Iman Cosmetics product line for women of color and get makeup tips and advice. Check out Iman's diary, photo gallery, and much more.
- iMedNetworks - An internet-based healthcare network that connects physicians and patients to each other and to a virtual world of medical information, tools, and services.
- Immortal Cosmetics - Intriguing and exciting line of fine salon/boutique cosmetics reflecting the latest trends.
- iNatural - A virtual store of natural cosmetics and skincare, site also offers beauty tips, a trend report, and online coupon.
- International Food Information Council Review - Report assisting consumers to understand and interpret food and health-related scientific studies.
- Internet Health Library - Searchable index to healthcare sites.
- Internet Health Store - Products including acne treatments, hair care, baldness treatments and general nutrition.
- Internet Pharmacy and Online Pharmacies Verification - National Association of Boards of Pharmacy provides searchable listings of approved online pharmacies.
- Irene Gari - Complete line of cosmetics, for eyes, face, lips, and nails and even cover for gray hair.
- Ironwood Marketing - Snorenz, a natural, peppermint spray which helps to prevent snoring noise.
- Island Trading - Offers cosmetics, fragrances and gifts.
- iVillage Beauty Channel - One stop destination for beauty tips, user product reviews, and expert advice on beauty dilemmas.
- Jane Cosmetics - Line of cosmetics designed for the younger set with oil free makeup, flavored and non-flavored lipsticks, blush, etc.
- Jeffrey Bruce Cosmetics - Makeup artist featured on Sally Jessy Raphael with aloe-based, hypo-allergenic, and fragrance-free skin care products and cosmetics.
- Joan of Arc Exclusive Cosmetics - Exclusive cosmetics, makeup, lipsticks, lipliners, eyeshadows, mascara, eyeliners, foundations and more.
- Jordane Cosmetics - Manufacturer of color cosmetics and skincare products. Peruse the Beauty World Directory and learn how to become one of their distributors.
- Josefs - Cosmetics, makeup, and beauty supplies.
- Judith August Cosmetics - Offers a pencil face and body concealer.
- Jungle Shop Beauty Supply - Source for quality cosmetics, designer fragrances, bath and shower products, tanning and sunscreen products, beauty treatments, and skin products.
- Kase Cosmetics - Line of cosmetics and skincare products. Have a custom blend or that shade of lipstick that is no longer made just for you. Order via fax.
- Kneipp Wellness Center and Herbal Products Store - Kneipp hydrotherapy, phytotherapy, aromatherapy, kinesitherapy, regulative therapy and dietics.
- La Boheme - Glass nail files and lipcote lipstick sealant.
- La Parfumerie - Cosmetics and designer perfumes.
- La Prairie - La Prairie has a complete line of products and is dedicated to the process of graceful aging to help slow down the signs of age and keep the skin as young as possible, as long as possible.
- Laura Mercier - Ecommerce site with cosmetics, makeup, and skincare developed by a make up artist to many celebrities.
- Laurus Health Information - Information on health conditions, pharmaceuticals, medical news, plus profiles of physicians and hospitals. Free registration.
- Lipstickstore.com - Various mood nail polish colors, glitters, lipsticks, newest nail polish colors, and nail care promotions with free gifts.
- Loréal Cosmetics - Products for skin, hair, and nails. Read questions and answers about their products and sign up for their newsletter.
- LuAnn Mancini Studio - Cosmetics designed exclusively for each individual depending on the age and type of skin. Purchase makeup kits, videos, and receive makeovers. Their top line of cosmetics is available in many department stores.
- Lusso Cosmetics - Online beauty store which sells professional makeup, brushes, accessories, and gifts.
- Magnifying Mirrors - Magnifying make-up mirrors and compacts.
- Make Up Mania - Makeup supply store for professional makeup artists and makeup enthusiasts. Halloween makeup.
- Make-up by Armando - Make-up by Armando offers make-over by e-mail, cosmetics, skin care and free beauty advice. Free gift with first minimum purchase.
- Makeup Express - Offers cosmetics, health, and beauty products.
- Make-Up International - Suppliers cosmetics to the film, television and beauty industries. On-line shopping and mail order facility available to the general public.
- makeupNET - Beauty and cosmetics e-zine covering the latest trends and products from the world's most prestigious brands.
- Mary Kay Official Web Site - Shop online, receive a virtual makeover, and find the Mary Kay consultant in your area.
- Mayo Clinic Health Oasis - Clinical experts provide current medical information and news on health topics.
- MCC by Salomed - Skin care products for a variety of skin types.
- MCW HealthLink - Features health news and information, produced by the Medical College of Wisconsin.
- Mederi Cosmetics - Specializes in paramedical camouflage makeup for problem skin.
- MedGuide - Search engine for use in obtaining information relating to medicine and health care. Also features editorials and medical quotes.
- Med-Help.Com - Resource guide and medical database with information from health professionals.
- Medical Access Online - A healthcare directory provides links to physicians, chat rooms, bulletin boards, hospitals, health news, diseases, databases and free classifieds.
- Medical Products and the Internet - A guide to obtaining reliable medical product information on the Internet.
- Medical Supply Company - Brand name medical supplies at a discount.
- Medication & Vitamin Reminder Tools - Internet provider of practical patient compliance,"pill- reminders" tools.
- Medicine OnLine - In-depth information on cancer for health care professionals and patients.
- Mediconsult.com - Professionally moderated, consumer focused virtual medical clinic offering detailed medical and drug information and support to patients managing medium and long term medical conditions.
- Médicus - Virtual laboratory. 500 articles: medical equipment, homecare supplies, supports, splints and others.
- Medidoctor - A home health guide to diagnosis and treatment, and when to see your doctor or go to hospital.
- Medinex - Provides a safe health search for medical information available on the internet.
- Merle Norman Cosmetics - Skincare and cosmetics including powder, foundation, polish, mascara, and moisturizers.
- Michigan Electronic Library - Health Information Resources - Extensive resources and links of interest to the health consumer and to professionals.
- Midwest Health and Wellness Expo - 4th annual Expo, highlighting fun, food, fitness, and health. March 31-April 2, 2000. St. Paul, Minnesota.
- MKC Cosmetics - Offers skin care and cosmetic beauty products made with plant and marine extracts.
- Moist Heat Therapy Heat Packs - Moistheat packs,arthritis, lower back pain, bronchonitis,neck strain and menstrual cramping.
- Mood Mania - Offers color changing nail polish.
- Mother Earth's Herbal Remedies - Herbs, vitamins, minerals, homeopathy, and aromatherapy.
- MTC Cosmetics - Cosmetics, skin care, body care, aromatherapy and gifts.
- Mylifepath - Provides information on health and wellness, daily health news and message boards.
- NailPolishPals - Animal figures nail polish bottle holders.
- NATIO Australia cosmetics and skincare - Natio natural aromatherapy skincare, makeup and cosmetics from Australia.
- Natio - Natural aromatherapy skincare, makeup and cosmetics from Australia
- National Institutes of Health -- Health Information Index - Main consumer health information page for the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
- Natural Beauty Cosmetics - Offers animal-safe cosmetics plus aromatherapy candles and anti-aging products.
- Natural Beauty WaterColors - A water-based nail enamel that really works.
- Natural Health - Vitamins, minerals, supplements, herbs, diet.
- Needs - Offering nutritional insights and sales of supplements, bath & body products, domestics, machines and books.
- Neo Cosmetics - Natural cosmetic products, ranging from nail polish and lipstick to skin and body care creams and lotions.
- Neutrogena Cosmetics - Line of cosmetics that was developed for foolproof application and wearability.
- New York Makeup - Offers guaranteed high quality makeup and accessories at reasonable prices. Also includes links to various women's health issues. A portion of the sale of the cosmetics is contributed to breast cancer and aids research.
- Nico Cosmetics - Shop online for custom colorings for the face, lips, and eyes.
- No Frills Health - An easy to use and useful guide to health sites on the net.
- Nory Cosmetics - Offers lipstick, eyeshadow, blush, liners, mascara, powder, and more.
- nReagan.com - Provides over 500 cosmetic and skin care products including Prescription Plus Clinical Skin, Nancy Reagan Cosmetics, and Nancy Reagan Organic herbals with in-depth skin care and makeup advice, personal consultations, and step-by-step instructions.
- NutritionalZone - Weight loss, vitamins, herbs, weight gain, energy products.
- Pamper Me Softly - Premenstrual syndrome information, links, and positive, pampering
- Perfect Health - Juicers, colon cleansers, food dehydrators, books, and cookware.
- Perfect Lash Comb - A safe and easy means of eliminating the problems caused by mascaras that clump or stick.
- PharmaQuest - Presents a unique product that vanishes varicose veins.
- Philip Pelusi - Features cosmetics, skin, hair, and body care products.
- Philips Health - Electric toothbrushes, electronic thermometers, blood pressure monitors,ect.
- Philosophy Cosmetics - Cosmetics, haircare and skincare products.
- Physician.com - A medical portal for physicians and patients.
- Physicians Formula - See their entire collection of cosmetics including color corrective products.
- Poppy King - Cosmetics and lingerie.
- Pro Band Sports Industries, Inc. - Relief and prevention of pain from repetitive stress injuries and cumulative trauma disorders.
- Profaces - Makeup kits, cosmetics, makeup brushes, and lipsticks used by professional makeup artists and models.
- Protocol Cosmetics - Cosmetics for the Wired World
- Rachael International - Offers Aloe based skincare, haircare, nailcare, bodycare, cosmetics and nutritional supplements.
- Rainbow Light Products - Immune building, athletic, nutritional, menopause, pre-natal
- Raquel of Beverly Hills - Cosmetic colors for olive-skinned women: Asian, Mediterranean, Latina/Hispanic and mulatas, plus pharmaceutical-grade skin care.
- Real Cosmetics - Offers cosmetics for women of color.
- Redheads' Fancy - Cosmetics for redheads, auburns, and strawberry blondes.
- Resource Outlet - This is a large and comprehensive site for education, prevention, intervention and treatment products on the web.
- RMC - Purchase cosmetics and skin care products. Receive a free item with your first purchase.
- Rynoskin - Udergarment barrier layer to ticks, ants, chiggers, and other insects.
- Sacha Cosmetics - Cosmetics for ethnic women.
- SciTalk.com - Science related resources for the public on health and disease. Discussion boards, chat, news, patents, clinical trials and books.
- Sea of Life - Based on the 26 minerals and trace elements of the Sea of Life.
- Search-It-All - Doctor and hospital search, nutrition facts, drug and disease lookup and health information.
- SearchPointe - Offers background and credential information on medical doctors, doctors of osteopathy and chiropractors.
- Second Opinion Medical Information Services - Searches for hospitals, doctors, diagnosis and treatment options, and physician background checks.
- Self Care Community - Forums providing information and support on allergies, alternative remedies, diabetes, gastrointestinal disorders, weight, addiction and recovery and more.
- SeniorShops - Innovative senior gifts, products for seniors, folks 50+ and the elderly at discount prices.
- Skin Care and Cosmetics by Rose Marie - Line of skincare, cosmetics, and body management products.
- Skin Care by Tavin - Offering TIGI make-up and personalized advice and service.
- Skincare For Dummies - Learn about skincare and skincare products.
- Stagelight Cosmetics - For a unique experience of dramatic color cosmetics that are used by stars and models.
- Stefanina's - Cosmetics, hair care, skincare, aromatherapy, oils, and vitamins. Place orders online or email your questions, comments, and requests.
- Stern Matthies and Company - Manufacturer of carnival and theatrical makeup, grease-paint, beards, mustaches, and eye-lashes.
- Stillroom - 100% natural cosmetics.
- Stress Reduction Systems - Light boxes for seasonal affective disorder, Tempur-Pedic pillows,
- Sunshine Medical Supply - Online store for durable medical equipment and general medical supplies
- Tabou Beauty Supplies - Retail sale of professional quality implements, electrical appliances, hair and skin products. We specialize in hard to get and unique items.
- The Dream Zone - Natural health, home and family products.
- The L*Bo Aid (Elbow Pain Relief) - Elbow pain elimination band designed to relieve pain.
- The Makeup Video Collection - Tips and tricks from an editorial makeup artist.
- The Moonbath Shop: Herbs & Fabrics - Hundreds of organic herbs, teas, natural fabrics, and earth-friendly botanical treasures.
- Thera-P-Products - Designing products to enhance your lifestyle such as the anti-snoring cradle pillow and the Solar/Electric Pedal Assist Bicycle
- ThiOne International, Inc. - Listing of antioxidant products and their benefits. Ordering information.
- Top of the Line - Cosmetics, fragrances and gifts.
- TriBlend Cosmetics - Cosmetics & body care products. Products can be personalized with your name. Deliciously scented lotions, bath gels, and perfumes.
- Unique Faces - Complete line of all natural and hypo-allergenic cosmetics.
- US MedExpress Online Catalog - Diabetic, incontinence,ostomy, urology, and wound care and odor control needs.
- Victoria Jackson Cosmetics Inc. - Makeup artist to the stars selling a complete line of cosmetics, skincare, and nail products. Order products, including color kits online and receive a discount.
- VillageDoc - Offers a variety of health and alternative news and resources.
- Visage Beauty Boutique - Carries lines such as Darphin, Shu Uemura, Philosophy, Vincent Longo, Molton Brown, Darphin, and Natura Bisse.
- Who's The Fairest? - Online beauty boutique featuring Pola, American Vitamin Company, cosmetics, brushes, hair care, gifts and more.
- Women's Health and Wellness Expo - Highlighting fun, food, fitness, and health. October 26-28, 2000. St. Paul, Minnesota.
- Wonderful World of Diseases - Catalog of links and information on diseases and human conditions. Includes an online bookstore.
- Worldwide Cosmetics - Beauty products for the skin, hair and body.
- Your Health Today - Offers medical news and consumer health information.
- Zhen Cosmetics - Line of cosmetics especially designed for Asian skin. Online ordering available or request a catalog.
- Zia Natural Cosmetics - Whether you are a first-time visitor or already know Zia Natural Skincare, consider our site your personal resource for healthy skin.
