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Sports > Chess >
iMahal choice:
- British Chess Federation (BCF) - governing body for chess in the UK, which is responsible for fostering chess played in clubs, schools, and competitions held throughout the country.
- Extreme Championship Chess - includes ECC news, events, polls, and profiles on all your favorite stars.
iMahal suggests:
- Chathurangam - Chaturangam is a website launched by Chennaionline for the chess lovers in India.
- Chess Central - for tournament players and organisers. Includes coaching tips, junior chess, downloads and an Australian tournament calendar.
- Chess Dominion - chess is a sea in which a mosquito can bathe and an elephant can drown.
- Chess is Fun - a comprehensive chess tutorial, with great games, openings, tactics, endgames, and an introduction to chess strategy.
- Chess Mailing List
- Chess Show - a wacky Portland, OR cable access chow about chess.
- Chess Utrecht - a True Type font for making chess diagrams.
- CleverChess - Shockwave-based game that allows you to play over the Web in real-time.
- Computer Chess Programming - includes references to books, research papers, and chess program sources.
- Important Events and Names in Chess -
The game of chess is thought to have originated in what is now northern India or Afghanistan sometime before 1OO AD: the oldest chess pieces date from then.
- India Chess Rankings -
Includes Viswanathan Anand, Dibyendu Baruag, Praveen M Thipsaym Devaki Prasad, Ponnuswamy Konguvel and more
- Kasparov Chess - provides chat, message boards, interactive events, chess information.
- Mecca, La - chess encyclopedia.
- Play Chess Against tkChess - yet another chess computer on the Web.
- Rules of Chess
- Shatranj Chess -
Virtual chess coach United States Chess Federation Vishwanathan Anand -Anatoly Karpov, selected games
- Sketches of Chess - RealAudio snippet of an opera based on a 1987 chess game between Ljubomir Ljubojevic and Gary Kasparov.
- U.S. Chess Center - home of the U.S. Chess Hall of Fame and many scholastic activities.
- Vishwanathan Anand -
A profile of the Indian Chess Grandmaster
- Yobes Chess Search Engine
