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Sports > Soccer >
iMahal choice:
iMahal suggests:
- African Confederation of Football - activities on african football and competitions organized by the african football competitions.
- Arkansas State Soccer Association
- Asian Football Confederation - official website.
- Bradford Soccer Boosters, Inc.
- Canadian Soccer Association - national teams, news, directory, Canadian players abroad.
- Cape Fear Soccer Association - organized to promote and administer the operation of a soccer league, both participatory and competitive.
- Capital Soccer Association - providing news, schedules, team members, and coaches for soccer association games in Nebraska and the surrounding area.
- CONCACAF - features information on members, Gold Cup, latest results, World Cup history, and more.
- Croatian Football Federation
- Football Association of Finland
- Football Association of Ireland - includes statistics, national squad information, and hall of fame.
- Football Association of Malaysia
- Football Federation of Ukraine - official site.
- Goa's first and only Arjuna Awardee - Footballer Brahmanand Shankhwalker received the Arjuna Award from Indian PM!
- Gwinnett Soccer Association (GSA) - dedicated to the promotion and development of soccer throughout the state of Georgia.
- India's Football Team for the SAFF games.
- Kansas City Soccer Society - dedicated to youth soccer.
- Maryland State Soccer Association
- Minnesota State Referee Committee - dedicated to providing information to the soccer referees in Minnesota and the rest of the country.
- Mongolian Football Federation (MOFF)
- National Soccer Coaches Association of America (NSCAA)
- No Violence Campaign - dedicated to stopping the violence in the stadiums.
- North Texas Soccer Association - offers current information on soccer in the North Texas area.
- Ormskirk & District Referees' Society - on line referees' society.
- Seagoville Area Soccer Association
- Silicon Valley Soccer Association
- Tennessee State Soccer Association
- The (unofficial) India Football Site - Good site with details of players, matches etc.
- The Indian Football Site -
Indian Football gets a homepage for the first time ever.
- Turkish Football Association - official site, with information on Turkish Leagues.
- Union des Associations Européennes de Football (UEFA) - organises and stages competitions for national teams and clubs.
- United Arab Emirates Football Association
- United States Soccer Foundation - dedicated to funding projects and promoting the growth of the sport.
- Washington State Soccer Association - provides adults the opportunity to play recreational and competitive soccer in Washington State. We are an affiliate of USSF and FIFA.
- Welcome to Soccertip
Soccer tips from coach Glenn Cameron
World Soccer Page -Players list
