Rankings of Business Colleges and Universities in Canada

Bschool.com: Int'l Side by Side -
A directory and comparison of business schools, using consistent criteria. Includes a variety of business education resources.
Canadian Business: MBA ratings -
MBA programs compared: Biggest bang for your buck.
ft.com - Business Education -
MBA ANNUAL RANKINGS: The Results. The Financial Times annual ranking of the world's top 75 business schools.
Maclean's Online -- Universities 1999 -
The Maclean's ranking takes a measure of the undergraduate experience at Canadian universities, comparing schools in three peer groupings. The Medical Doctoral universities are those with a broad range of PhD programs and research, as well as medical schools.
The MBA Program Information Site - Rankings of MBA Programs and Schools -
MBAinfo - the world's most comprehensive MBA information source, with details of more than 2100 MBA programs from 1100 Universities, Business Schools and Management Colleges in 125 countries.
