
iMahal Essay/Scholarship Contest

To be considered as a contestant in the iMahal Essay/Scholarship Contest, you must agree to ALL the Terms and Conditions stated below:

Terms & Conditions

You must be a full-time student.

You must be at least 17 years of age.

Family members of iMahal founders and employees are not eligible.

You must submit one essay on the following topic:

Internet: Digital Bridge or Digital Divide
Between the developed world and the developing world, will the Internet be a bridge or a divide?

Only one entry per contestant is allowed. More than one entry by a contestant will result in an automatic disqualification of the contestant from the contest. Decisions by iMahal are final.

Your essay must be between 500 and 1,000 words in length. You must write your own essay, without any input and assistance from others.

Your essay must be in English, although the mastery of the English language is not a requirement.

Your essay will be judged on: creativity of the content, clarity of thought, and analytical/logical arguments and rationale. Decisions made by iMahal will be final.

You are explicitly authorizing iMahal to use your essay, in part or in full, publicly at any time, through any medium. iMahal agrees not to reveal your identity, without your permission. For more information, please read our privacy policy.

Note: We may put the essays for every contestant on the iMahal website with some "non-identifying" information, such as: age 21, Bangalore, India.

Using the iMahal website Contest Entry Form is the only acceptable mechanism for entering the iMahal Essay/Scholarship Contest. No other means of submission, including but not limited to email and postal mail, are acceptable.

You must complete the Contest Entry Form completely and truthfully.

The deadline for entering the Contest is midnight December 15, 2000 Pacific Standard Time (PST). Note: PST = GMT + 8.

The winners will be contacted via email, no later than December 31, 2000.

Upon notification of being a winner, each winner must provide information that:

  1. gives iMahal the ability to deliver the awards via regular post
  2. proves their identity
  3. proves their age
  4. proves their status as a full-time student
Failure to provide this information will be grounds for disqualification. Decisions by iMahal will be final.

The First, Second and Third Place winners will also be required to submit color individual photographs of themselves. These photographs must be of acceptable quality for use on the iMahal website.

iMahal WILL reveal the identity and photograph (if applicable) of the Contest Winners publicly, as deemed appropriate by iMahal.

To be considered for the contest, you must agree to all the Terms & Conditions outlined above by clicking on I Agree below. You will then be presented with the Contest Entry Form.

I Agree


I Do Not Agree


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