All Colleges and Universities in the UK

Alphabetical List
List by Countries
All Colleges and Universities in the UK by Countries
Northern Ireland
- Anglia Polytechnic University
- Aston University
- Bath, University of
- Bath Spa University College
- Birkbeck College
- Birmingham, University of
- Bournemouth University
- Bradford, University of
- Brighton, University of
- Bristol, University of
- Brunel University - Twickenham, Runnymede, Osterley and Uxbridge
- Buckingham, University of
- Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College
- Cambridge University
- Central England, University of
- Central Lancashire, University of
- Cheltenham & Gloucester College of Higher Education
- Chester College of Higher Education
- City University, London
- Coventry University
- Cranfield University
- Dartington College of Arts - Devon
- Derby, University of
- De Montfort University
- Downing College (Cambridge)
- Durham, University of
- East Anglia, University of
- East London, University of
- Edge Hill University College
- Essex, University of
- Exeter, University of
- Falmouth College of Arts
- Goldsmiths College London
- Harlaxton College - American university programme
- Hertfordshire, University of
- Huddersfield, University of
- Hull, University of
- Huron University - American college in London
- Imperial College School of Medicine
- Imperial College of Science and Technology - London
- Keele University - Staffordshire
- Kent at Canterbury, University of
- Kent Institute of Art & Design - Rochester, Maidstone, & Canterbury
- King Alfred´s University College - Winchester
- King´s College London
- Kingston University
- Lancaster University
- Leeds Metropolitan University
- Leeds, University of
- Leicester, University of
- Lincolnshire & Humberside, University of
- Liverpool, University of
- Liverpool Hope University College
- Liverpool John Moores University
- London Business School
- London Guildhall University
- London Institute - Chelsea College, London College of Fashion, Camberwell College, Central St Martins College
- London School of Economics
- London, University of
- London, University College
- Loughborough University of Technology
- Luton, University of
- Manchester Metropolitan University
- Manchester, University of
- Merton College (Oxford)
- Middlesex University
- Newcastle upon Tyne, University of
- North London, University of
- Northampton, University College
- Northumbria, University of
- Nottingham Trent University
- Nottingham, University of
- Open University (UK), the
- Oxford Brookes University
- Oxford University
- Pharmacy, University of London School of
- Plymouth, University of
- Portsmouth, University of
- Reading, University of
- Richmond - The American International University in London
- Ripon and York St John, University College of
- Royal Academy of Music
- Royal College of Art
- Royal College of Surgeons
- Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine
- Royal Holloway University of London
- St Mark & St John, University College of - Plymouth
- Salford, University of
- Scarborough, University College
- School of Oriental & African Studies
- Sheffield, University of
- Sheffield Hallam University
- Southampton, University of
- Staffordshire University
- Surrey, University of
- Teesside, University of - Middlesbrough
- Thames Valley University - Ealing and Slough
- Trinity College of Music - London
- United Medical and Dental Schools of Guy´s and St Thomas´s Hospitals
- Warrington, University College
- Warwick, University of
- Wessex Institute of Technology
- West of England, University of the
- Westminster, University of
- Worcester, University College
- Writtle University College - Essex
- York, University of
Northern Ireland
- Queen´s University Belfast
- Stranmillis College - Belfast
- Ulster, University of
- Aberdeen, University of
- Abertay Dundee, University of
- Edinburgh, University of
- Fife College of Further and Higher Education
- Glasgow, University of
- Glasgow Caledonian University
- Heriot-Watt University
- Highlands & Islands, University of the - multiple locations
- Napier University
- Northern College - Aberdeen & Dundee
- Paisley, University of
- Robert Gordon University
- Sabhal MÛr Ostaig
- St Andrews, University of
- Stirling, University of
- Strathclyde, University of
- Glamorgan, University of
- North East Wales Institute of Higher Education - Athrofa Addysg Uwch Gogledd Ddwyrain Cymru
- Wales, Aberystwyth, University of
- Wales, Bangor, University of
- Wales, Cardiff, University of
- Wales College of Medicine, University of
- Wales, Lampeter, University of
- Wales, Swansea, University of
