Mahal Resources on Education in the USA

Useful links on Computer Science Colleges and Universities in the USA


  1. ACM SIGGRAPH Education Committee - A "Special Interest Group" on Computer Graphics has program advice for advanced students with help from Georgia State University.
  2. Association for Computer Machinery (ACM) - This a direct link to the ACM's image map for Graduate Assistantships in Computer Science.
  3. College and University Education in the United States for Non-U.S. Citizens
  4. Computer Science Organization - A student-managed subsidiary of the ACM from SUNY Oswego. Contact these guys by email for the inside scoop on programs and requirements..
  5. Graduate School Programs Search Page
  6. Mircosoft Research - An insider's look at program funding. Interesting resource for finding university programs that are backed by Microsoft funding.
  7. Petersons's Site Map
  8. The Mining Co.: Computer Certification - Is graduate school the best way to go with computers? Donna L. Matthews can provide you with all the latest in special certification programs.
  9. Universities and Colleges Choosing a US College
  10. Universities and Colleges Comparing Canadian and US School Systems
  11. Universities and Colleges The Application Process
  12. Yahoo!/Peterson's College Search


  1. Certification - Maybe a full-blown graduate degree in computers is not for you. has commercial resource information for people who only need certification.
  2. Programs: - A comprehensive list of US and non-US programs with program info and a few direct links.
  3. Programs: Peterson' - Check Peterson's for a list of (primarily US) computer science programs and basic program information..


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