Useful links on Entrance Examinations in the USA
General - Advantage Education - Advantage Education offers affordable and effective test preparation for ACT, SAT, GRE, GMAT, and LSAT. A great resource for test prep information!
- GMAX - Preparation for the SAT, GMAT, TOEFL, and GRE. Also offering spoken English courses. Based in Tel-Aviv.
- GRE LSAT MCAT Prep. Programs - We offer in person and distance programs in reading comprehension, logic, and writing for the GRE LSAT and MCAT exams. Reasonable pricing.
- GED General Information - A thorough description of the GED basics. Interesting facts and statistics in the "ABC's of the GED" sectionSource: Massachusetts Department of Education
- Official GED Testing Service - Everything you ever wanted to know about the GED. Includes test history, specifications, updates for 2001, a breakdown of each area, and much much more.Source: The American Council on Education (ACE)
- ScholarStuff - Test preparation books, links and resources about preparing for the SAT, GRE, LSAT, MCAT, and TOEFL tests.
- Tescaliber - Using Internet technology to offer web based test modules for students to prepare for various college entrance exams like SAT and ACT. SATcaliber a web based SAT preparatory system is presently on our site, others to follow.
- Test Books Online - Offering standardized test-preparation materials from major publishers at discount prices, including SAT, ACT, GRE, LSAT, MCAT, GMAT, ASVAB, professional licensing, civil service exams, college guides, and more.
- Test.Com - Practice for the SAT, GRE, TOEFL, and many more academic entrance exams online.
- Writing Exam Tutorial - This site helps prepare you for the writing section of standardized tests, such as the GMAT, GRE, LSAT, MCAT, NTE, and others.
- Writing Exam Tutorial for Standardized Exams - This site prepares students for the essay portion of standardized exams, such as the LSAT, GMAT, GRE, Praxis II, and others.
- Your one stop, free, practice exam site! - provides free, online, practice questions to high school, college and professional exams. These include exams such as the: MCSE & MCSD, SAT, ACT, CLEP exams, LSAT, and many more.
- ZDNet Software Library - Free, shareware and demos of software to help you with college testing.
ACT - ACT-information for Life's Transitions - The official web site of the test. Heavily under construction.
- PREP USA - offers nationwide SAT and ACT test preparation classes and information. Also financial aid and scholarship info.
- The Princeton Review - provider of SAT, ACT, and TOEFL test preparation information including books and software.
- DeltaCourse.com - The Delta Course offers a free daily GMAT practice question as well as online GMAT study guides and practice questions.
- GMAT: 800score.com - GMAT Prep: take a free practice GMAT CAT, online prep books, 5 downloadable tests, essay grading and tutoring. Buy test preparation software online for immediate downloading.
- GMATTutor.com - Test information and resource site.
- Manhattan Review - preparation courses in Germany and MBA admissions consulting.
- MBA Explorer - Test registration and information on MBA financing and programs.
- Prepare for the Writing Exam - Training for the GMAT writing portion of the exam.
- ScholarStuff - Test preparation books, links and resources to help you prepare for the GMAT.
- Teach Yourself for MBA Admission - Online test preparation from Arco.
- Test Tutor - Test-prep site with free practice questions and material. Includes MBA admissions advice and information.
- The Princeton Review | Business - Offers high-end classroom prep throughout the U.S.
- The Writing Exam Tutorial - Essay-training service for standardized tests.
GRE - 4anything.com - directory of GRE sites.
- Cutts Personal Tutorial - Personalized, affordable GRE preparations. Guided independent study at home with live phone tutorial.
- Educational Testing Service - GRE Information. Also information on admission to college or graduate school, test registration, test preparation, financial aid planning, services for teachers, occupational skills certification, and educational research.
- GRE: 800score.com - GRE prep: free sample GRE CAT, 3 downloadable practice tests, prep guides and online tutoring.
- Kaplan -Courses and Schedules - Information on classroom GRE classes offered at many locations.
- Number 2, Inc - Internet-based GRE and SAT tutorials for written and computer-based tests. Online tutorials available for practicing. Additional resources for more in-depth study with national test experts.
- OnLine ETS - The official site by Educational Testing Services (ETS). Information on registering for the GRE.
- ScholarStuff - GRE test preparation links & resources.
- Test Vocabulary - Compiled by Oleg Smirnoff. Helpful for foreign students and others.
- The Princeton Review - Information on live classes at many locations.
LSAT - Cutts Personal LSAT Tutorial - Personalized, affordable LSAT preparation with one of the nation's top LSAT specialists. Advanced strategies. Support for individual learning needs. Guided independent study at home with live phone tutorial.
- Home-LSAT - Distance learning course based exclusively on actual LSAT questions.
- Law School Admission Council Online - The official site for LSAT and law school applications information. Look here for LSAT registration information, test dates and ordering previously given LSAT's for practice.
- Number 2, Inc - Internet-based GRE and SAT tutorials for written and computer-based tests. Helpful LSAT reference information available here.
- PowerScore LSAT Preparation - LSAT prep classes offered in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Miami, Minneapolis, New York, and Washington, D.C.
- Prepare for the LSAT Writing Exam - This site helps prepare students for the writing portion of the LSAT exam.
- ScholarStuff - LSAT test preparation links & resources.
- The Princeton Review LSAT Course - Princeton Review's guide to LSAT prep classes offered in many locations.
MCAT - MCAT Prep. Programs - We offer in person and distance programs in reading comprehension, logic, and writing for the MCAT exams. Reasonable pricing.
- MCAT and the Med School Application - Overview of the subject by the University of Missouri.
- Medical College Admission Test - Official MCAT information. General information and registration information.
- Premedical.com - Their goal is to help you obtain successful admission into medical or dental school. Lots of information on the MCAT.
- Taking the MCAT - Information from the California State University, Chico.
SAT - ACT and SAT help at PREP USA - offers nationwide SAT and ACT test preparation classes and information. Also financial aid and scholarship info.
- American Academic Services - Improver your verbal SAT scores today with The Winning Way Verbal SAT Success Guide. Download directly to your printer.
- College Board Online - Information about applying to colleges and the SAT.
- College PowerPrep - This company will help you with the SAT. They have free information and software as well as software for sale. On the site they also have the SAT tip of the day and a crossword puzzle based on the vocabulary
- Direct Focus, Inc. the PSAT/SAT tests.
- FreeVocabulary.Com - 5000 vocabulary words for SAT preparation that can be viewed on-line or downloaded for free
- Frontline: Secrets of the SAT - Looks at standardized tests and examines the national obsession over them.
- Low SAT Scores Can't Hold Them Back - Article from the Bronx Beat Online. "At an alternative school, students challenge the notion that a high score is the ticket to college."
- Lyceum Tutorial Services - Online and in-person tutoring (California) for the SAT and graduate level exams.
- New SAT II Biology Test - Official information on the new test.
- Online SAT Registration - Just what it says.
- Prep Doctor - Offers books and chat room tutoring for college and graduate school exams.
- Presentation Dynamics Inc. - Offers a free study guide, flash cards and quizzes to aid Juniors and Seniors preparing for the SAT.
- SAT 1 math help. - Test preparation of mathematics section of SAT1- downloadable shareware program
- SAT Board Game - Conquer the SAT is a revolutionary board game designed to make SAT prep easy and fun. The game is a comprehensive study guide that effectively teaches you the skills you need to Conquer the SAT.
- SAT Flash Cards - SAT flash cards and training aids.
- SAT Guru - iMahal's own interactive SAT preparation tool - check it out!
- SAT Success Made Easy! - Unique SAT preparation materials with over 12 years of experience to back them up. An inexpensive alternative to prep courses.
- SAT Tip of the Day - A new tip every day. Covers different subjects on the test.
- Sat Tutoring/ State of Florida - Discusses the benefits of advance preparation and private tutoring for the SAT and availability in the St. Petersburg/Clearwater, FL. area.
- Scholastic Aptitude Test I (SAT I) - A good first stop to get the basic definitions and information about the test.
- ScholarStuff - test preparation books, links and resources to help you prepare for the SAT.
- StudyHall - Fabulous and thorough! Complete SAT presentation covering the math and verbal skills students will need for the test. Also corresponds with the "8 Real SAT's" book. They will soon have information on the ACT, GRE, and CSAT as well.
- Taking the SAT's - In-depth information on the SAT I and SAT II, on-line registration, and study tips. Source: Family Education Network
- TesCaliber - Web-based SAT preparation.
- Test Books Online - Offering complete test preparation materials from major publishers at discount prices, including SAT, ACT, GRE, LSAT, AP, GED, MCAT, TOEFL, CLEP, teacher certification, civil service, armed forces, engineering, and many more.
- testprep.com - This site offers free online SAT test preparation with thousands of screens of math and verbal test practice problems. They also offer 'low-cost' software.
- Test Prep Center - Test prep material
- The Wordsmyth S.A.T. Dictionary - based on a frequency analysis, includes the 2000 words appearing most frequently on S.A.T. tests.
- Tutoring and Homework Help. - offering Tutoring, Test preparation & real-time homework help online.
- Whitman College Bound - Summer SAT Preparation and College Tour - Offers 2 week summer SAT/PSAT programs in partnership with the Princeton Review. Includes New England college tours and application guidance.
TOEFL - IELTS Test Books - Practice materials for the International English Language Testing System.
- Infinity International Language Institute - ESL (English-as-a-Second-Language) and TOEFL courses in the Los Angeles area.
- New York University: Toefl Preparation - Classroom TOEFL preparation course offered by New York University's American Language Institute.
- Online writing course for the TOEFL and TWE - Drexel University's English Language Center's online course on writing for the TOEFL, TWE and other essay examinations.
- Poly Languages Institute - Offers TOEFL and ESL classes in California.
- Review The TOEFL Test - An excellent site. A great amount of information useful to anyone being tested in the English language.
- ScholarStuff - test preparation books, links and resources to help you prepare for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).
- TestMagic - Offers courses for the TOEFL in the San Francisco area.
- TOEFL OnLine - Official site of the makers of the TOEFL exam. Registration information.
- TOEFL Test Preparation - Complete TOEFL preparation materials from major publishers at discount prices.
- Vancouver English Centre - Offers classroom courses for the TOEFL in Vancouver, Canada.
