Write Guru

Punctuation Ganges

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Girish asked how the river was named?

Mr Lobo explained that the Ganges River is named after the female spirit Ganga. It all started when King Sagara's 60,000 sons were incinerated by a sage for their excessive pride. How would their ashes ever be purified. Years later, another king, King Bhagirathi, ascended the great mountains to do penance for the sins of Sagara's many sons. When King Bhagirathi's penance was complete, he began to walk down from the mountains. Meanwhile, up in heaven, Ganga was so taken by his goodness that she cried out, "Wait. Wait for me."

Ganga descended from heaven and followed the good king through the Himalayan foothills, across the northern plains, and into the jungles of the east. They arrived at the Bay of Bengal one morning at 6 A.M.. As the sun rose, the ashes of Sagara's sons were purified and those 60,000 souls attained paradise at last.


- End Punctuation -

In the opening paragraph we can find several problems with using a period as a punctuation mark. The very first sentence is a statement, not a direct question:

    Girish asked how the river was named?

This kind of sentence is referred to as an indirect question. Because it is not a direct question, it should not end with a question mark. Instead, it should end with a period:

    Girish asked how the river was named.

- Abbreviations and the Period -

The second sentence incorrectly omits a period where it should be used to indicate that a word has been abbreviated:

    Mr Lobo explained that the Ganges River is named after the female spirit Ganga.

The period is needed to indicate abbreviations. Common examples are shown below:

Mrs. Mistress
A.M.ante meridiem ( before noon )
P.M.post meridiem ( after noon )
i.e.id est ( that is )
e.g.exempli gratia ( for example )
etc.et cetera ( and so forth )

Our second sentence should therefore include the period in the abbreviation:

    Mr. Lobo explained that the Ganges River is named after the female spirit Ganga.


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