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Correspondence trained, but good GRE: eligible for US?
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I am a software programmer working for past four years. I would like to do my MS in computer science from USA. I have done my graduation from Delhi University in Arts through correspondence. After that I did a diploma in computer applications. I would like to know if I am eligible to study in US. I scored 270 on TOEFL and 2110 on GRE. Kindly let me know at the earliest.

Computer Savvy, India

Dear Computer Savvy:

Colleges and universities in the US base admissions decisions on the following: quality of candidate's academic qualifications in terms of the quality of school and program, academic performance, performance on relevant entrance exams, letters of recommendation, and other relevant information such as work experience, extra-curricular activities, etc.

The first and foremost requirement for admission into a Master's program is the completion of a Bachelor's (undergraduate) degree from a recognized college. We are not sure if you in fact did obtain an undergraduate degree through your correspondence course. As you can understand, correspondence courses are not thought of highly. However, the US schools are fairly open-minded and take into account your entire track record of performance, instead of just performance on one component of admission requirements.

The requirement for an MS in Computer Science is a Bachelor's degree in any discipline. We discussed this issue in an earlier Dear Mentor: column, which you may wish to read. Given that you actually have experience in software development and your GRE score is quite good, you stand a good chance of getting admitted to an MS program in Computer Science in the US. You can find information on Colleges and Universities for Computer Science in the US in the Education section of iMahal.

We would also like to suggest that you consider colleges and universities in Canada as well. Canada has good quality of education and the cost of education is substantially lower than it is in the US. You can find information on Colleges and Universities for Computer Science in Canada in the Education section of iMahal.

Best wishes for your future endeavors.

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