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How do I apply to medical school in India?
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I am from Malaysia. I would like to study Medical Science in India. I have got lots of useful information from iMahal Home Page, thanks. To help me to proceed further, please advice on the qualification required and the procedure to apply. Your help will be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Future Doctor, Malaysia

Dear Future Doctor:

Thanks for your kind words. We hope that you would continue to find valuable information on iMahal and tell your friends about iMahal.

Entering a Medical School in India is highly desirable and extremely competitive. The basic education requirement is the completion of high school - that is, Grade 12. India does not have a "standardized test" for education in medicine. Each university or college has its own entrance exam. It is not uncommon for a prospective student to travel to multiple locations to take various entrance exams.

Each school has its own approach to handling International Students. We would advise you to contact prospective schools directly. You may have to do this via the postal mail, since not many schools have informative websites.

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