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How do I prepare for computer science?
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My name is [withheld] and 16 years old. I need your help! I am a student studying GNVQ Information Technology in the UK. I still have another two years to go until I reach the stage to move onto an university. I would like information how or which courses additional I need to take to gain a place in a good university to study computer science. I will be moving onto A-levels next year. Please can you send me some short of information which can help me -- a guide / leaflets / books or you suggestion will help!! Please contact me soon! Thank You for your support.

Ready Now, UK

Dear Ready Now:

We are always happy to receive letters from students like you, who can not wait to conquer the world and be successful. We are impressed that you are looking into your university education now.

We do not have enough information on whether you wish to pursue your undergraduate [Bachelor's] degree in the UK or elsewhere. Regardless, the formula is the same for the UK, US, and Canada. First, you should do well in all your courses. Second, take as many Advance Level (A-Level) courses as you can in the areas of Mathematics and Science (including computer science). No particular courses in specific areas are particularly helpful or hurtful, when seeking admission into a computer science program. Follow your interests and do well.

You many wish to visit the iMahal Education Section to research prospective colleges. Since admission requirements vary from college to college and country to country, you would want to learn the admission requirements of colleges you wish to target.

Our best wishes for your continued success.

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