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Where can I study psychology in the US or UK?
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I am a Post-Graduate student of Commerce of University of PUNE, INDIA. I want to pursue my studies in Psychology - preferably in Child psychology from the Best & Honoured University in UK/USA. Kindly guide me how could I do this? Any Distance-Education programme(s) offered? Any Centre in India?

Biz to Psych, India

Dear Biz to Psych:

We are intrigued by your plans. We are not sure if you want to do a Bahelor's or Master's in Child Psychology. Your eligibility would depend on your specialization in your Bachelor's degree.

Psychology as a whole, or certain specializations in Psychology, and depending on the country, is classified as a program in Humanities or Sciences. You can find the list of such colleges in the US and UK in the iMahal Education Section. Here, you would also find an overview of the education systems.

We are not aware of any reputable distance learning degree programs.

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