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Without work experience, which MBA should I try for?
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I want to do MBA from US, but I don't have any work experience. I will be completing my MBA from India in April 2001. Which institutions can I apply to?

No Experience before MBA, India

Dear No Experience before MBA:

Top-tier MBA schools in the US prefer 3-5 years of work experience, with demonstrated success in progressively challenging assignments. They are looking for this pattern of success in the workplace as an indicator of future success, which would bring fame and prestige to the school. We strongly recommend that you gain some work experience prior to pursuing an MBA in the US. Work experience however is not necessarily a requirement for 2nd-tier and 3rd-tier business schools. If you must pursue an MBA in the US without any work experience, you should skip the top-tier schools and focus on the 2nd-tier and 3rd-tier business schools.

We do not recommend schools to anyone, as a matter of policy and practice. The decisions are yours; we can help you with the decision-making process and show you your choices. You can find Rankings of US Business Schools in the iMahal Education Section.

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