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Besides my BCA, what is needed for the MBA?
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I did my BCA [Bachelor of Computer Applications] this year from Jalander, Punjab. I want to pursue my goal of doing MBA in the USA. My problem is that I don't know what to do and how to start. Do I need to take the GRE? What type of visa should I apply for? I'll be grateful to you if you could answer my questions. Thanks.

Too Early for MBA, Jalander, Punjab, India

Dear Too Early for MBA:

The information contained in the iMahal Education section and dozens of questions & answers in the Dear Mentor: Archives are relevant to your situation. We would encourage you to spend some time to learn from the resources already available on iMahal.

BCA, a three-year college program, is not an adequate educational qualification for eligibility for an MBA program in the US. To be eligible, you must have at least 4 years of college education that is equivalent to a Bachelor's degree in the US. Typically you would complete your Master's in India, unless your Bachelor's degree was of 4-year duration such as in engineering, before you can apply for an MBA in the US. You would be required to take the GMAT (Graduate Management Aptitude Test, a standardized entrance exam) and not the GRE (Graduate Record Exam, a standardized entrance exam). You can obtain Information on Entrance Exams in the iMahal Education section.

The visa question is premature and not relevant at this stage, although the Visa Information is available in the iMahal Education section. You have some time to go before you can apply for a US MBA. In the meantime, you can read and research the resources offered by iMahal.

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