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What are good colleges for engineering masters in India?
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I've graduated from chemical Engineering - a 4-year program. My nationality is Yemeni. My age is 23. Would you give me addresses of some colleges from which I can do my Master's? I searched many colleges in India but without any useful results. I want addresses for two to four colleges or their emails. Thanks for help.

Engineering in India, Republic of Yemen /Aden

Dear Engineering in India:

As you have found out, not many colleges in India have websites from which you can obtain the necessary and desired information. We face the same challenge. Getting information on Indian colleges is not easy. But don't despair. You can visit the iMahal Education Channel for Engineering Colleges and Universities in India. A majority of these colleges offer chemical engineering. Engineering schools with the highest reputation and prestige - not only in India but around the world - are Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs). The IITs are six in number, more than the number you asked.

A note: We are in a continual process of collecting information on colleges and universities in India. We ask our audience to send us any relevant information, so that we can make it available to others. Thanks.

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