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How should I study computer networking in the US?
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I want to know about the US Universities for a Career in Computer Networking, as right now I m studying in Australia and interested to study further in USA. Please guide me to the best way to achieve my goal and to study in an economic college.

US Networking, Australia

Dear US Networking:

There is not much "economic" about US universities. The cost of higher education in the US is extremely high; it ranges from $15,000 to $45,000 per year. Of course, one can secure financial aid, but the competition is fierce. You past academic performance and your performance on an entrance exam are the key determinants of whether you can obtain financial aid. It is important to note that only a fraction of international students who are offered admission are also offered financial aid.

We have no idea what you are studying right now and whether you are seeking admission to a Bachelor's, Master's, or Doctoral program in the US. To pursue a career in computer networking, you should have qualifications in computer engineering or a related field.

The process for applying for admission and financial aid is no different in the US than it is in other countries: identify target colleges, submit application and supporting documentation, and wait for the answer. You can find the List of Engineering Colleges in the US in the iMahal Education Channel. The college websites offer application forms and information on the admissions process. You can use the iMahal College Finder in the iMahal Education Channel to identify colleges that best match your performance and personal needs.

The admission requirements for graduate (Master's and PhD) programs typically include: a Bachelor's degree equivalent to one in the US, the GRE (Graduate Record Exam), letters of recommendations, and so on. For the undergraduate (Bachelor's) program, the admission requirements include: Grade 12 of high school, the SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test), letters or recommendations, and so on. You can find Information on Entrance Exams in the iMahal Education Channel.

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