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Where can I improve my multimedia skills in a university program?
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I am currently working for a multimedia company which creates interactive multimedia CD-ROMs using Photoshop, Adobe Aftereffect, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premere, 3D Studio Max, Macromedia Director and Macromedia Flash etc. To get the clear picture what I am talking about, please go to through this site [name withheld]. What I want to do is to graduate in multimedia technology. So I would very much appreciate if you could send me the list of universities which offer such programs.

Targeted Courses vs Degree, Kathmandu, Nepal

Dear Targeted Courses vs Degree:

There are no university programs that will give you a legitimate degree based only on the use of a collection of computer applications, such as those you mentioned. The university or college education goes well beyond the mere use of certain applications; it focuses on understanding the fundamentals of computing, programming, and design of applications. The use of applications is a mere utility for accomplishing certain tasks such as formatting a book, designing a website, or controlling a telecommunications network.

If your interest is restricted to just learning certain applications, private organizations offer such training through short-duration, targeted courses. If on the other hand, you wish to obtain much broader and deeper knowledge of computer programming, you should pursue a degree program in computer science. You can find the List of Computer Science Colleges & Universities in the US and other countries in the iMahal Education Channel.

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