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Am I qualified to take the IAS?
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I am a student of De Montfort University in the UK. I am in my third year of BA (Hons.) an undergraduate degree. I am an Indian resident and very eager to join Indian Administrative Service (IAS)/ Indian Police Service (IPS). I want to know whether or not I could apply for the IAS/IPS exams, If yes, is the procedure different for me, and if no is there any way out?

Eligible for IAS?, Leicester, UK

Dear Eligible for IAS?:

We are not sure what you mean by "Indian resident." You are required to be a citizen of India to appear for the IAS/IPS exam. You are also expected to be between 21 and 28 years old and have or nearly completed a Bachelor's degree. There is no special treatment for you because you are obtaining your degree in the UK.

In the bureaucratic structure and requirements of any government in the world, you either meet the requirements or you don't; there is no "way out" of the requirements.

You may also wish to visit an earlier column to get more information on the IAS exam: How should I prepare for the IAS exam?

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