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What is a sufficient GRE score to get admission and aid?
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I am taking the GRE [Graduate Record Exam] in the month of March. I am final year etrx [?] student. My query is what can be sufficient score to get admission into a good college with aid. Until now, my aggregate is 60%.

What's Good Enough, Mumbai, India

Dear What's Good Enough:

Which country? Which program? What level - Master's or Doctoral? What does etrx mean? We would encourage you and others to take the time to think, articulate, and write clearly the inquiry that you are sending us.

We are assuming that you are referring to higher education in the US. As in any country, the level of performance required depends on many variables, such as: selectivity of the college or university, type of program, level at which you wish to study, and so on. Just as in India, there is no single level of performance of the GRE or of academic performance that would assure you admission or financial aid.

Wanting to know acceptable GRE score is interesting, but irrelevant. The real question is: Given your GRE score, which colleges should you target? For this, you can use the iMahal College Finder in the iMahal Education Channel to identify colleges that best match performance and personal needs.

You should try your best to achieve the best performance on the GRE, instead of focusing on a "sufficient" score.

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