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Which European MBA programs will admit me?
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I have been looking for MBA programs for a while and I still can not find a suitable school for me. It would be great if you can give me some links. I am looking for a MBA program that will accept me with a three-year bachelor degree in business administration. I prefer the school to be in Spain, but anywhere in Europe is acceptable for me. I have some working experience but I am planning to work one more year before I apply for an MBA.

European Business, Skopje, Macedonia

Dear European Business:

Our geographic focus at iMahal is on the US, UK, India, and Canada. You can find the List of Business Colleges in UK in the iMahal Education Channel.

Some well-known MBA colleges in Europe are:

You can find the List of Colleges & Universities in Europe by Country in the iMahal Worldwide Directory.

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