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How do I get a visa for college in the USA?
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I seek a visa that will allow me to go to a college in the USA. I just need you to tell me what I need to get the visa. Thank you.

Almighty Visa, Outside-USA

Dear Almighty Visa:

The US visa is granted to an individual for a specific purpose. To get the visa, you must demonstrate the proof of purpose. In your case, it would be for studies as an International or Foreign student in the US. This requires an admission offer from a recognized college or university in the US. You also must be able to demonstrate your financial ability to sustain yourself through school. Virtually no financial aid is available to International students for undergraduate [Bachelor's level] studies. Financial requirements would range from $15,000 to $40,000 per year depending on your program.

You can get all the required information on colleges and their respective admissions requirements, entrance exams, visa process, and so on in the iMahal Education Section.

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