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How can I study computers in the US?
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I am writing on behalf of my cousin. He has done his 10+2 from India and would like to do his graduation (engineering) from US in computer. So I would like to know which college will be good and how much will it cost him per semester.

Cousin In-Charge, India

Dear Cousin In-Charge:

We strongly advise you to read the Main Page of the iMahal Education Section. It offers general information on admission, entrance exams, financial requirements, and the visa process. Also, we have answered many questions in earlier Dear Mentor: columns that are relevant to your situation. You can find them in the Dear Mentor: Archives.

Virtually no financial aid is available to Foreign students for undergraduate (Bachelor's) degrees. The total cost would range from $15,000 to $40,000 per year, depending on the type (private or public), quality, and location of the institution.

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