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 Penpal Examples:

Mumtaz: I am a married woman who admires sincere and caring people. My hobbies are cricket, reading, writing, and sketching. Would like to correspond with people from anywhere in the world. Hope to hear from you soon.
(Gender: female, Age: 32, Country: Pakistan)

Rani: Hello - I grew up in India (Hyderabad) but we moved to Canada when I was 10. I love music, both Indian classical and western. I also love to make new friends. A penpal would be great to discuss music, culture, or any other interesting subject.
(Gender: female, Age: 19, Country: Canada)

Raja: I am a Sikh gentleman who wants to have penpals of either gender from all over the world. As a self-employed professional graphic designer, photography and beautiful art interest me greatly.
(Gender: male, Age: 27, Country: Netherlands)

Dude: Hello from the set of Bay Watch! I'm interested in Indian culture, language, and food. And I'm learning how to play the sitar. Half my days are spent on my surfboard, but otherwise I am online looking for interesting people. It would be like totally awesome if you would mail me. Cool.
(Gender: male, Age: 18, Country: California)   gnarly-waves@malibu.beach

Batgirl: Fighting crime is the ultimate rush. It almost beats squeezing into tight-fitting black leather and teasing the Boy Wonder. Penpals who love intrigue and gratuitous violence should send me an email; but please encrypt using the Bat algorithm.
(Gender: female, Age: 22, Country: Metropolis)

Lisa Simpson: Have an annoying brother? I can relate. My hobbies are playing baritone sax and reading the classics. Pen me some prose, okay?
(Gender: female, Age: 9, Country: Fox)

Cher: Hollywood got boring, so I opened a website to sell thermal pajamas. I need a penpal who shares my interests in music, acting, and keeping young by never dating anyone old enough to drive legally.
(Gender: female, Age: 56, Country: Hollywood)

Fred Flintstone: I pound rocks. I drink beer. And I drive my wife crazy with my zany antics. My best friend Barney is a nice enough guy, but a bit bland. I need a penpal to spice up my life. Dinosaurs need not apply.
(Gender: male, Age: 35, Country: South Quarry)

Wilma Flintstone: I am a stone-age mom with a wonderful daughter Pebbles, a best friend Betty, and a hyperactive pet dinosaur named Dino. But I am beginning to worry about my man, who runs around in nothing but a fur skirt. Chisel me a note to keep me sane!
(Gender: female, Age: 28, Country: South Quarry)

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