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Rani & Raja

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We shall announce its launch on our homepage
as soon as it is available.
Please see below a brief description of this feature.

This weekly column is written by people in their late teens or twenties. In Hindi, Rani means queen and Raja means king. Our columnists are one Rani & Raja pair in India, and one Rani & Raja pair in North America. We have included their biographical information. Rani & Raja answer questions received from the members of the iMahal community. The columns provide insights into the life and lifestyles of the East and the West, as seen through the female and male points of view. You are encouraged to submit questions to the Rani & Raja of the East and/or the Rani & Raja of the West. You can read the current column, and read previous posted columns. Please note that opinions expressed in iMahal Rani & Raja columns are not necessarily those of iMahal.

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