Dear Mentor:
Questions & Answers: |
Give me advice about my resume and about jobsites.
Dear Mentor Says: Our Careers section gives advice on resume and letter writing, interviews, and job negotiations ... To make your way through the jungle of jobsites, we provide the iMahal Jobsite Ratings, which ...
How can I stay in the US for more training?
Dear Mentor Says: Your options for employment in the US are rather limited ... Your best bet may be to seek opportunities ... The availability of the H1-B visa is scarce and ...
How can I perform well in a case interview?
Dear Mentor Says: There is no magic formula for success on case interviews, but you can develop a structured approach for dealing with them ... Step 1: Identify the problem .. Step 2: ...
How is RA different from TA in the US and in Canada?
Dear Mentor Says: Although the US and Canada are next-door neighbors, the terminology, cost of education, and approach to financial support differ substantially ... Employment limitations for international students are quite different ...
