Dear Mentor:
Questions & Answers: |
Should I apply for admission in the spring?
Dear Mentor Says: Most universities in the US admit students in the Fall session ... In our view, getting admitted into a good school should be your highest priority ... For your information, US colleges generally follow one of the two systems: semester or quarter ...
How appreciated is a masters degree from Singapore?
Dear Mentor Says: Your rationale for pursuing additional learning is on track with your ambitions ... Singapore is an advanced country ... NUS is a well-respected university ... Finding employment in another country depends ...
Correspondence trained, but good GRE: eligible for US?
Dear Mentor Says: We are not sure if you did obtain an undergraduate degree through your correspondence course ... As you can understand, correspondence courses are not thought of highly ... However, US schools are fairly open-minded and take into account your entire track record of performance ...
I am weak in academics. How do I get a good job?
Dear Mentor Says: We can not conduct research for personal, specific, and narrow inquiries from individual users ... We can appreciate your challenge in completing your degree ... A good tutor can help you learn ...
Can I study engineering in India without the GATE exam?
Dear Mentor Says: The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an entrance exam for admission ... Our advice to you and other iMahal users would be to take the GATE exam ... If you need further advice about broad issues ...
Where should I attend college in Australia?
Dear Mentor Says: As a citizen of India, going to Australia for studies would make you a foreign student ... Virtually no financial aid is available ... Why Australia? ... You can get a very good engineering education in India ...
What computer work will I find in the US?
Dear Mentor Says: We are assuming that your entire family is planning to move to the US ... We would encourage you to not only gain knowledge through formal instruction but also gain experience in a work environment ... It is hard to comment on how much money you would make ... A good web designer would make ...
Where are distance-learning law courses?
Dear Mentor Says: We can not offer personalized research services ... Also, to be honest, we do not understand your question ... Please take a little more time to articulate your question when seeking help ...
Should I take that course on creative writing?
Dear Mentor Says: The more relevant question is whether this course would do you some good ... We encourage everyone to put in the effort required for degree programs ... Our website includes a useful workbook for clear writing: Write Guru
