Dear Mentor:
Questions & Answers: |
How do I get admitted to grade 12?
Dear Mentor Says: ... admission to grade 12 in the US or Canada does not require any specific entrance exam ... a public school is typically required to grant admission if you reside in its school district ...
How to get a masters degree in the US.
Dear Mentor Says: The process of getting into a US university for international students ... is identical to the process that an American student would go through ... international students are prohibited from gaining employment ... they are required to demonstrate the ability to finance their education for the entire duration ...
Where should I get an MBA in England?
Dear Mentor Says: The MBA admissions process in England is very similar to that in the US and Canada ... The cost of education is extremely high and employment prospects are limited during studies, particularly if you are not a resident of the EU ...
How should I prepare for an MS in IT?
Dear Mentor Says: The basic required academic qualification for an MS in Computer Science in the US is a Bachelor's degree in any discipline ... In additional to the academic qualification, one is expected to take a standardized entrance exam - namely, the GRE ... You should visit the iMahal Education Section ...
How can I connect with MBAs in the US?
Dear Mentor Says: ... we offer the Web addresses of Indian Students Associations in the US ... International students pursuing any type of education in the US are not eligible for loans in the US ...
Which are the best US colleges in engineering and business?
Dear Mentor Says: We suggest that you visit and research the iMahal Education Section ... all the information you are requesting is available ... financial assistance for international students is more readily available for engineering than it is for MBA studies ...
How should I apply for TOEFL and SAT?
Dear Mentor Says: ... the iMahal Entrance Exams Section offers links to the TOEFL and SAT websites ... The costs vary, depending on the test you wish to take. For example, the fee is different for SAT I and SAT II (subject tests) ... Also, the costs vary by the method used for registration ... SAT also adds a security surcharge for India and Pakistan ...
Where is a ranking of chemical engineering colleges in India?
Dear Mentor Says: ... we do not rank colleges ourselves, but we do offer information on college rankings from various independent sources ... You can go to the iMahal section on Rankings of Engineering Colleges in India to get some relevant information ...
Will universities in the US recognize my degree?
Dear Mentor Says: Most US universities have a list of colleges ... they consider as acceptable for admissions. Even if they recognize your undergraduate equivalency to a degree, which we doubt, there is no reason for these universities to give you serious consideration ...
Can I leverage my experience for a US graduate degree?
Dear Mentor Says: ... market forces determine the value of our experience ... You have basically two options for the Master's degree - Engineering and MBA. Virtually no financial aid is available to international student for MBA in the US ...
