Dear Mentor:
Questions & Answers: |
What questions are on medical entrance tests in India?
Dear Mentor Says: There is no the Medical School Entrance Exam in India - essentially, every school has its own entrance exam ... contact the schools in which you are interested for information, or visit a local bookstore or library for exam guides ...
After statistics, where can I get my MBA?
Dear Mentor Says: ... MBA programs require 4-year university education for candidacy. Very little, if any, financial aid is available to international students for MBA programs ... You must be able to demonstrate your ability to sustain yourself financially ...
After my MCA, will I be able to pursue a PhD?
Dear Mentor Says: ...a 3-year MCA program is quite unique to India. Such a program does not exist in the US or Canada. As a result, we are not quite sure if potential schools would consider it as being equivalent to an MS in Computer Science ... Our suggestion would be to contact prospective schools to determine ...
Where are the best MBA schools outside the US?
Dear Mentor Says: ... US business schools are the leaders in the world ... we recognize the value of pursuing business education elsewhere ... The leading business school, outside of the US, with unique global perspective and students from around the globe is INSEAD ...
Will I be punished by old GRE scores?
Dear Mentor Says: ... schools will be aware of your performance on the GRE for all three attempts, if they were all in the past 5 years ... they will respond differently based on their unique admissions process ...
What should I bring with me to the US?
Dear Mentor Says: ... A lot depends on the climate of where you would be residing ... The northern parts of the US have harsh winters and the southern parts and deserts areas have harsh summers, while the coastal areas offer temperate weather. ... clothing ... shoes ... books ... your best source of information may be the Indian students who are already at the university ...
How should my son prepare for a career as a NASA scientist?
Dear Mentor Says: You son's choice for education is a worthy goal ... The choices beyond the Bachelor's degree become more interesting ... With undergraduate education from an IIT ... you son stands a good chance of obtaining financial aid for graduate studies in the US ...
How do I get a visa for an academic visit to Ireland?
Dear Mentor Says: While the visa process varies somewhat in detail across countries, the overall approach is roughly the same. Your school should offer you guidance on obtaining the requisite visa ... you may wish to request the school official for a telephone interview instead ...
Will I have a problem with my passport in the US?
Dear Mentor Says: The information from some websites that you have quoted is wrong. The passport should be valid for at least 6 months at the time of entry into the US, NOT at the time of departure from the US after completing your education ... You can get your passport renewed, from your regional Indian Consulate, within the 6-month period prior to its expiration ...
