Dear Mentor:
Questions & Answers: |
After a BS in commerce, what should my sister do?
Dear Mentor Says: We suspect that you are asking about the kind of careers she can pursue ... careers could be any of the fields in her program of education - marketing, finance, sales, operations ... She can also pursue further education: MBA, M.Com. or C.A.
How can I transition from biochem to biotech?
Dear Mentor Says: ... a PhD in biochemistry is a terrific background for a career in the biotech industry ... PhDs are highly valued on the general management side of biotech as well as on the technical side ... A good website to begin investigating the biotech industry is www.biospace.com ...
How should I prepare for the GRE?
Dear Mentor: ... GRE preparation is similar, in many ways, to other exams you have taken ... One can prepare for the GRE using self-help books and interactive CDs ... we do not endorse any product or service ...
Is it worth it to get a CISA credential?
Dear Mentor: CISA is not a course of study or training, it is a certification of your competency in computer systems audits ... the employer in the private sector, whether in India or elsewhere, is more interested in your talents and skills than the various certifications you have collected ... your job prospects are not dependent on CISA
How do I study medicine in the US?
Dear Mentor: The system of medical education in the US is quite different from that in India ... complete the three steps of the US Medical License Exam ... The first two steps can be completed in various parts of the world ... the third step must be completed in the US ...
Where should I get a computer masters degree?
Dear Mentor: We are not aware of any university that provides direct admission into the 2nd year of MCA after doing BCA ... but we have heard of some universities that offer admission into the second year if the student has done BCA from that university itself ...
Should I do a dual MS/MBA program?
Dear Mentor: Your interests and ambitions should determine whether this path is advisable for you. We are in no position to comment on that ... An engineering and business background is a powerful combination in the marketplace ...
How can my H4-visa friend continue in the US?
Dear Mentor: For those not familiar with the H4 visa in the US: spouse and unmarried children under 21 of an H1B visa holder are eligible for H4 visa. A person on H4 status is not allowed to work unless the person gets a change of status from the US Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) from H4 to H1B status. H1 visa is a temporary residency and work visa ...
For HR, should I major in psychology or economics?
Dear Mentor Says: There is no ideal single subject to major in if you want to be a leader in Human Resources. But, if it were me, I would consider the ideal training to be the following: A major in psychology, with a minor in economics and some courses in sociology ...
