Dear Mentor:
Questions & Answers: |
What are the top 20 medical schools in India?
Dear Mentor Says: ... We do not rank colleges, nor do we recommend any institution ... the information you are seeking for India is rather scarce. We refer you to the iMahal section on Rankings for Medical Schools in India ...
How can I fund engineering college in Australia?
Dear Mentor Says: There are no quick-fix solutions for money ... The primary source of funding is your prospective college ... Financial aid is virtually not available to foreign students at the undergraduate level ...
How should I prepare for GRE and admissions?
Dear Mentor Says: The admissions process in the US begins in the Fall for the academic session starting next Fall ... Start researching the colleges now ... At the same time, prepare for the GRE and TOEFL ... You should work hard and do well on these exams to improve your chances of acceptance and for obtaining financial aid ...
Can I hurry up the visa for college in Canada?
Dear Mentor Says: ... You must at once initiate the visa process with the Canadian High Commission, if you have not already done so ... Make sure that you have good documentary evidence for financial means ...
What should I do with my medical degree?
Dear Mentor Says: We are not sure what you are asking ... further education and training in medicine ... The relevant exam is the USMLE ... universities can not give preferential treatment to candidates from any country ...
Can you get me a job?
Dear Mentor Says: iMahal is not a placement consultancy firm ... The iMahal Careers section offers information that you may find useful in your job search ...
How do I finance my MS in the US?
Dear Mentor Says: Other than your own money, the primary, and perhaps the only, source of financial support is your university ... Grant of financial aid in the US is often part of the admissions process ...
Is a spelling error in my passport a problem?
Dear Mentor Says: ... we wish we could say that it doesn't matter, but it does ... The passport is an official document, issued by your government, which confirms your identity and citizenship ... You must contact your passport office to rectify the problem ...
