Dear Mentor:
Questions & Answers: |
Do I have enough experience for the H1-B visa?
Dear Mentor Says: ... We have seen opinions expressed by others ... All you need for an H1-B visa is a 4-year baccalaureate degree ... You do not need any work experience ... read the INS Requirements for the H1-B visa at the official INS website ...
If I transfer to a US college, can I get aid?
Dear Mentor Says: ... your chances of getting financial assistance as an international student for undergraduate studies are slim ... While the cost is much lower in Canada, the quality of education is quite good. You may want to consider finishing your undergraduate degree in Canada and then moving to the US for graduate studies ...
What are my college and career options in the US?
Dear Mentor Says: ... The eligibility for admission into an MS degree program is based on a 4-year college education leading to the US equivalent of a Bachelor's degree ... The requirement for H1-B visa is also at least a 4-year college education leading to a Bachelor's degree or equivalent ...
What are my chances for an MS in the US?
Dear Mentor Says: ... Most international students can afford to study in the US only because of the financial assistance from their schools ... The primary ingredients for getting admission and financial assistance are: the quality and reputation of your academic institution, your GPA, and your performance on the GRE ...
How should I improve my English for the GRE?
Dear Mentor Says: ... it requires hard work and discipline ... You can certainly use the iMahal SAT Guru and Write Guru to improve your English ... The GRE tests your skills in three equally weighted areas: Quantitative, Analytical, and Verbal ...
Despite my H4 status, can I start a business?
Dear Mentor Says: ... The H4 visa strictly prohibits the holder from gaining any form of employment; that is, the H4 visa holder is not allowed to earn any income ... You must obtain permission from the US INS and a change in your visa status ... The INS is not likely to grant such permission ...
Can you send me an application for your school?
Dear Mentor Says: ... iMahal is not an academic institution ... We offer information, guidance and advice on issues related to education and careers ... Grade 11 is a part of the high school education system in the US ... You can visit the iMahal Worldwide Directory for Education - K through 12 ...
Will a good GRE compensate for a bad GPA?
Dear Mentor Says: ... we are puzzled by your inquiry. You blame your poor performance in school on the fact that studying EE was not your choice ... Sooner or later, you would have to be responsible for your ambitions and actions ... Your GPA does not become irrelevant because you scored well on the GRE ...
How do I find the best graduate management program for me?
Dear Mentor Says: ... You can use the iMahal College Finder to identify colleges, ranging from extremely competitive to moderately competitive for your performance, that match your personal needs. The iMahal Education Section also includes the List of Business Schools in the US ...
I have money; where is an easy university?
Dear Mentor Says: ... take a moment - pause, think, and articulate - before pressing the "send" button when submitting a question to Dear Mentor ... the best we can do for you is suggest that you visit the iMahal Education section ... We strongly encourage you to rethink your position ...
