Dear Mentor:
Questions & Answers: |
What are the chances of scholarship with a high GRE?
Dear Mentor Says: ... Scholarships, only one form of financial assistance, are few in number and many are restricted to the legal residents of the US. Research assistantships and teaching assistantships are more common forms of financial assistance ... You can use the iMahal College Finder to identify colleges ...
Is spring session good for admissions and aid?
Dear Mentor Says: ... With few exceptions, all international students start studies in the fall session. This has nothing to do with the financial aid situation, and it has everything to do with the schedule of courses being offered. And, since most admissions are offered for the fall session, most financial assistance offers are made for the fall session ...
Where is an MS in networking in Ireland?
Dear Mentor Says: ... Our geographic focus at iMahal is on the US, UK, India, and Canada ... we can direct you to the Colleges and Universities in Ireland section of the iMahal Worldwide Directory ...
For an MS in IT, which colleges, and what GRE?
Dear Mentor Says: The MS programs related to information technology in the US are those in computer engineering and computer science ... a more relevant question for you is this: Which colleges can I get into given my performance on the GRE? ... iMahal College Finder can identify colleges ...
Can I apply for the GRE?
Dear Mentor Says: The GRE is conducted by the ETS, a private company. ETS has absolutely nothing to do with the actual admission process ... So long as you pay the fee and follow the stipulated process, you can take the GRE ...
Will my green card help with a medical residency?
Dear Mentor Says: ... to obtain residency, you must complete the US Medical Licensing Exam ... US green card holders (permanent residents) are allowed to work legally without any restriction ... Your prospective employers for residency have preference for legal residents of the US...
Can I study medicine in the US after my MBBS?
Dear Mentor Says: The fundamental requirement for obtaining residency in the US is the completion of the USMLE ... An employment authorization is required for foreign residents ... The undertaking is expensive and presents significant risks.
Will you list for me computer colleges in Los Angeles?
Dear Mentor Says: The iMahal Education section includes the List of US Colleges & Universities by discipline ... The List of US Colleges and Universities is also available by state. You can find the relevant colleges in California ...
What are the entrance exams for the MBA?
Dear Mentor Says: The entrance exam requirements vary across countries, let alone across academic institutions ... The typical entrance exam requirements for MBA in the US, UK, and Canada are the GMAT and TOEFEL ... The situation is quite different for India ...
What is my math M.Sc. degree equivalent to in the US?
Dear Mentor Says: ... you have completed 5 years of college and university education in India. As you may know, the Bachelor's degree in the US is of 4-year duration. Thus, there is no direct or obvious equivalent to a degree in the US ... We suppose the question you are really asking is how you should represent your educational background in a resume for employment ...
