Dear Mentor:
Questions & Answers: |
Where can I go outside India?
Dear Mentor Says: ... All countries restrict the flow of foreign workers to protect employment for their own citizens and legal residents ... We are not aware of any real shortage of teachers in the US, though the media likes to talk about it ... college education in the US is very expensive ...
Tell me about IT in Australia and MBA in USA.
Dear Mentor Says: ... Australia boasts, and rightly so, contributions to the IT revolution. So, the quality of your PG, whatever it means, is likely to be good ... The first requirement for entering an MBA program in the US is at least 4 years of college education that is at least equivalent to that of a Bachelor's degree in the US ...
Which telecommunications MS programs are best?
Dear Mentor Says: You would have to pursue an MS in electrical engineering and specialize in communications ... you should wait until you have obtained your GRE score to create a list of target colleges ... The iMahal College Finder can help you identify colleges that best match your performance and personal needs ...
Which college is better: a good one in India or a bad one in USA?
Dear Mentor Says: ... To address such profound and provocative questions as yours, we should really explore further the definition of the "better" choice, keeping in mind that the definition would vary across individuals ... India boasts, and quite rightly, some of the finest educational institutions in the world ... The quality of life, in material terms, is superior in the US ...
What GRE/GPA scores are needed for a top-10 US college?
Dear Mentor Says: While the GRE and GPA are the two most critical elements of the admissions criteria, they are not the entire admissions criteria ... While the GRE scores are on a standardized test, the assessment of GPA scores is highly dependent on the quality and prestige of your academic institution of prior education ...
Which entrance exams are required for MS in CS?
Dear Mentor Says: In all likelihood, you would be required to take the GRE and perhaps TOEFL ... Admissions requirements vary across schools, so you must obtain specific requirements for target schools ... The iMahal Education section provide a List of Computer Science Colleges & Universities in the US ...
Can I use a college tax receipt to get a student visa?
Dear Mentor Says: An official tax receipt from your school for tax purposes and a student visa authorization have absolutely nothing to do with each other ... a tax receipt does not authorize you to enter or stay in Canada ... An international student must enroll in a full-time program to be eligible for a student visa ...
Will a nursing degree help me in an MD program?
Dear Mentor Says: The nursing program is significantly different from a pre-med program and from an MD program ... the path to the MD offers significant flexibility for pursuing any secondary interests you may have in other disciplines of education ...
Where can I get admitted without TOEFL?
Dear Mentor Says: ... let us pick the US and Canada as examples. As an international student, you would be required to take the TOEFL to demonstrate your abilities in the English language ... You can find the List of Colleges in the iMahal Education section and research the admissions requirements ...
Do I need the GED to gain admission in the US?
Dear Mentor Says: ... You do not need the GED Test, a standardized test, to enter a college in the US ... To enter a Bachelor's degree program in the US, you do need to take the SAT or ACT ... use the iMahal SAT Guru and iMahal Write Guru, interactive online learning services, to prepare for the SAT and ACT ...
