Dear Mentor:
Questions & Answers: |
Can I transfer credits to a Canadian business college?
Dear Mentor Says: ... Each university conducts its own evaluation to determine whether the courses for which you are requesting a transfer of credits are equivalent to the courses it offers, and whether these courses are a part of your curriculum ... If you are applying for an undergraduate (Bachelor's) program, you would be required to take the TOEFL ... If you are applying for the MBA program, you would be required to take the GMAT ...
Besides my BCA, what is needed for the MBA?
Dear Mentor Says: ... BCA, a three-year college program, is not an adequate educational qualification for eligibility for an MBA program in the US. To be eligible, you must have at least 4 years of college education that is equivalent to a Bachelor's degree in the US ... You can obtain Information on Entrance Exams in the iMahal Education section ...
What are good colleges for engineering masters in India?
Dear Mentor Says: ... not many colleges in India have websites from which you can obtain the necessary and desired information ... You can visit the iMahal Education Channel for Engineering Colleges and Universities in India ... Engineering schools with the highest reputation and prestige ... are Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) ...
What are the latest rankings for Australian universities?
Dear Mentor Says: ... the geographic focus of iMahal is on the US, UK, India, and Canada ... the Business School Rankings Section on India in the iMahal Education Channel does include sources that have regional and world rankings of business schools ...
How can a doctor sponsor help me with a visa?
Dear Mentor Says: ... To obtain a visitor's visa to the US, you would be required to demonstrate, to the US immigration officials in India, your ability to sustain yourself financially during your stay in the US. It is here that a sponsorship from a financially sound person in the US - a family member or a close friend - can help ...
What are my job prospects in network administration?
Dear Mentor Says: ... computer networks is growing rapidly and will continue to do so, notwithstanding the current global slowdown in technology ... We suspect that you are asking about your job prospects in the US ... Your best bet might be to explore opportunities with your current employer ...
My job is redundant; where should I go work?
Dear Mentor Says: We are sorry to hear of your situation ... Free economies go through ups and downs ... We encourage you to keep hope and keep trying. Search for a job as you would at any other time ...
How can I get my son an I-20 for high school in the US?
Dear Mentor Says: ... High school education is not an area of focus for us, but we shall try our best ... the US government regulations prohibit international students from attending public schools ... International students for grades K through 12 can however attend a private school ...
Can you contact someone who submitted a prior question?
Dear Mentor Says: ... As a matter of policy, we treat the email addresses of the individuals communicating with us at iMahal as being confidential ... To facilitate direct communication among individuals, we offer the iMahal Discussion Forums ...
