Dear Mentor:
Questions & Answers: |
What should I do to prepare for the MBA?
Dear Mentor Says: ... the admissions process starts almost a year prior to the start of classes. This is particularly true for the top-tier MBA schools ... If you want to take some courses now to have a leg up when you start, such an advantage, if any, is likely to vanish very quickly ...
Should I donate money to go to medical school in India?
Dear Mentor Says: ... Whether the donation-based medical degree from India is worth anything to you dependents on what you can do with it in the US ... Your ability to pass the USMLE will depend on the quality of education you receive at the your school ... if you want to pursue medicine, buckle up for a long ride ...
Where are short cuts for an MBA?
Dear Mentor Says: ... The quality and reputation of the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) is outstanding, not only in India but also around the world ... B-rated universities in the UK, or anywhere in the world for that matter, do not even come close to the quality of education and the reputation of IIMs ...
With a good GRE score, what are my prospects?
Dear Mentor Says: Congratulation! You have done well indeed ... Your chances of getting admission and financial assistance in the US are good ... The iMahal College Finder can help you identify colleges ...
What are the best MBA programs in Jaipur?
Dear Mentor Says: ... We do not rank colleges ... we offer advice and guidance on Education and Careers ... iMahal is not based in Jaipur. We look forward to the day that we have offices in cities all around India ...
Who can you recommend for my copywriting services?
Dear Mentor Says: ... we do not recommend any services or offer personal contacts, as a matter of policy and practice. ... You would have to search through the employment ads in the local newspapers or visit jobsites on the Web such as those listed in the Jobsite Links of the iMahal Careers Channel ...
Which good MBA programs do not require work experience?
Dear Mentor Says: ... Top-tier MBA schools in the US expect candidates to have 2 to 5 years of work experience ... a school that has less stringent entrance requirements - such as, no work experience - is likely to be less good ... If good education and living in India is your goal, the IIMs are your best bet ...
What distance education programs exist in India?
Dear Mentor Says: ... The hype and pronouncements from pundits notwithstanding, we do not believe that any distance learning program available today anywhere in the world compares with the traditional college education. This is likely to be the case in the foreseeable future ...
Do employers care if my degree was through distance learning?
Dear Mentor Says: The simple answer is: Yes, it matters! Distance learning, despite the hype and pronouncements by pundits, has not even approached a level of acceptance that compares to that for the traditional college or university education ... the thinking goes like this: distance learning is better than no education or training, but let us not confuse it with the "real" college education ...
What is it like? How can I do it? Who is best?
Dear Mentor Says: ... We strongly encourage you and others to pause for a moment - think about what you want to ask, articulate your thoughts, and take the time to write clearly - before hitting the "send" button ... Our purpose for publishing Dear Mentor: is to offer advice and guidance on education and careers ...
