Dear Mentor:
Questions & Answers: |
What must I do to study medical sciences in the US?
Dear Mentor Says: You are quite right in noting that you do not require the USMLE ... We have addressed a question in detail on planning for the admissions process, including preparing for the GRE, in a previous Dear Mentor: column ...
Can I get admitted to a US university without the prerequisites?
Dear Mentor Says: ... You are right in noting that US schools require at least 4 years of college education with a degree that is equivalent to a Bachelor's degree in the US ... You can not simply do a 1-year diploma to fulfill the requirement ... You have to put in the effort required to meet the eligibility requirements ...
Which medical colleges are associated with the CBSE?
Dear Mentor Says: ... the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi conducts the All India Pre-Medical Test ... We do not conduct rankings of colleges ... We were able to obtain a list of the CBSE-affiliated colleges ...
What are my chances of H1-B as an MBA brand manager?
Dear Mentor Says: ... You chances of obtaining an H1-B visa as a highly skilled temporary worker in the US are not very good ... It will be an uphill task, and here is the reason ... Your best bet is to explore employment opportunities with your current multinational employe ...
Can I study computers in Canada without working hard?
Dear Mentor Says: ... you do not likely have the requisite academic qualifications ... Most schools with any meaningful reputation would require you to take the GRE ... We do not encourage a laid-back approach to higher education ...
For an MIS masters, do I need GRE or GMAT?
Dear Mentor Says: ... The entrance exam requirements vary across schools ... Now here is the tricky part. MIS is offered as an area of specialization or concentration in the MBA and MS in Computer Science programs as well ...
Can I transfer to a US engineering college?
Dear Mentor Says: ... a school may allow a transfer of credits worth up to one year of studies ... you would have to approach individual schools to see whether they would transfer your courses ... The cost of education in the US is extremely high ...
Coming from the UK, how do I work in law in New York?
Dear Mentor Says: ... Because you are not a citizen or legal resident of the US, you need an appropriate visa for employment in the US ... A US law firm with strong international presence, especially the UK, might be an option worth pursuing ...
What are the names of medical colleges in Pakistan?
Dear Mentor Says: Yours is a situation where we can not help you a lot. Currently our focus at iMahal is on Education and Careers in the US, UK, India, and Canada ... we shall make our best effort to include Pakistan as a country of focus for iMahal ...
