Dear Mentor:
Questions & Answers: |
What exam percentage do I need for a good US MBA program?
Dear Mentor Says: ... Do you think the US universities are pushovers and accept students from India, or from any other country for that matter, who could not get into good universities in their home country because of low scores? These are not a trick questions. You get the idea ...
What documents are needed to change H4 to F1?
Dear Mentor Says: ... you should really contact a US INS office in your area ...You must have an offer of admission from an INS-authorized school to obtain the F1 visa ... You are typically expected to bring:
Which agriculture colleges accept low GRE scores?
Dear Mentor Says: ... your GRE score is too low for any Master's program in the US or Canada ... You have the choice of taking the GRE again. Should you choose to do so, you must put in a much greater effort this time ...
Will my good F.Sc. score help me to study medicine in the US?
Dear Mentor Says: ... You must have at least a Bachelor's degree, one that is equivalent to the Bachelor's degree in the US or Canada, to enter a program in medicine ... You would also be required to take the MCAT ... No financial aid is available to international students and the cost of medical education is extremely high ...
Where is a list of colleges of Information Science?
Dear Mentor Says: ... We hope that your terminology is consistent with ours for Information Sciences ... A Master's in Information Science is different from that in Computer Science or Information Systems, although they are related to some extent ...
What should I do after my BIT?
Dear Mentor Says: ... Alternatives for you are the same as what they would be for anyone else with a Bachelor's degree: further education or employment. You have to decide what is appropriate for you ... We hope you think carefully about your alternatives before taking the next steps ...
My biology GPA is low; how do I become a doctor?
Dear Mentor Says: ... How we wish we had a magic solution for you! We don't. You have rather limited choices for medical education ... You basically have two choices: Take the MCAT again and do extra-ordinarily well, or pursue an MS and hope that your GPA in the MS is 4.0 ...
How will my work experience help for admission to MS in IE?
Dear Mentor Says: Your work experience will not directly have a significant impact on the admission or financial aid decision ... The admission and financial aid decision will be based on your academic performance, your GRE score, letters of recommendation, and a personal statement of purpose ...
