Dear Mentor:
Questions & Answers: |
Should my wife renew her H4 visa every year?
Dear Mentor Says: The short answer to your question is: Yes. Any foreign national ... must maintain a valid visa status at all times while in the US. As a result, your wife must renew her visa prior to its expiration.
Please advise me on GPA calculations and ACT scores.
Dear Mentor Says: We strongly urge you to consult your guidance counselor at your high school for calculating your GPA ... We can offer one common way to calculate GPA ... Trying to project your performance on the actual test from practice tests is not particularly productive ...
How should I prepare for the IAS?
Dear Mentor Says: ... The UPSC of India conducts the IAS exam. The three-step process is: Prelims, Mains, and Interview ... The number of candidates for the Prelims is about 10 times larger than the number of vacancies available ... Your strategy for success must include: early, continuous, and serious preparation, starting right now ...
Do I have enough education for an MS in the US?
Dear Mentor Says: The information you have read in the newspaper is nearly accurate and your friends are incorrect. You require 4 years of college or university education for entering an MS program in the US ... Diploma education typically does not qualify for education requirements.
How does my H1 friend's fiance get an H4?
Dear Mentor Says: We must first note that we are not immigration lawyers ... Since your friend has not married yet, his prospective wife has no legal or official relationship with him. Thus, she is not qualified for the H4 visa yet ... It is not uncommon that the H4 visa is of shorter duration than the H1 visa ...
How much does an MBA cost in Australia?
Dear Mentor Says: ... The tuition costs for studies in Australia range from US$5,500 to US$9,000 ... You should consider total cost as opposed to just the tuition ... The cost of education in Australia is comparable to that in Canada, and significantly less than that in the US ...
Will my programming job handicap my MS application?
Dear Mentor Says: ... Your detour into programming, after your Bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering, will not be held against you for a Master's in Mechanical Engineering ... Another option for you is to study both disciplines ...
How do I invoke an old H1B visa?
Dear Mentor Says: ... You can not apply for the H1B visa on your own ... You must have either the last employer apply for amendments to the previous H1B petition to the INS, or you must find a new employer who can not only offer you a job but is also willing to sponsor you for the H1B visa ...
When is the GATE and how do I apply for it?
Dear Mentor Says: GATE-2002 will be conducted on Sunday, February 10, 2002 ... Information Brochure and Application Form which are non-transferable, are available from ... Bank Branches ... at the counter of GATE Office of IITs ...
