Dear Mentor:
Questions & Answers: |
How can I join my F1 husband in the US?
Dear Mentor Says: ... You will be well advised to contact or have your husband contact an immigration lawyer in the US ... Once a country refuses a visa application, subsequent applications for obtaining the visa become progressively more difficult ...
How can my daughter score better on standardized tests?
Dear Mentor Says: ... Educational performance is based primarily on two elements: intrinsic intellect (genetic) and leveraging of the intrinsic intellect ... It is on the application of the intrinsic intellect where one finds the opportunity to improve performance ...
What MS in the US am I qualified for?
Dear Mentor Says: ... You are required to have a minimum of a Bachelor's degree that is equivalent to a Bachelor's degree in the US to enter an MS program in the US ... you do have the qualifications for an MS in computer science ...
Am I qualified to take the IAS?
Dear Mentor Says: ... You are required to be a citizen of India to appear for the IAS/IPS exam. You are also expected to be between 21 and 28 years old and have or nearly completed a Bachelor's degree. There is no special treatment for you because you are obtaining your degree in the UK ...
How can I attend medical school in India?
Dear Mentor Says: ... a minuscule number of international students are studying medicine in India ... The competition for entry is extremely fierce ... Most medical colleges in India do not have websites, so you would have to communicate with them via the traditional postal mail ...
Will a well-written SOP help me get admission and aid?
Dear Mentor Says: ... Getting admission is much easier than securing financial aid and the seats for international students are not limited by some magic number ... We must be honest and advise you that your SOP is likely to have a nominal, if any, impact on your prospects for financial aid ...
Which discipline should I select for the GATE?
Dear Mentor Says: ... Although you are expected to appear in the subject of your discipline, you can appear in any subject of your choice. Generally a large number of students appear for the Computer Science subject in order to do a MTech in Computer Science ...
What is a sufficient GRE score to get admission and aid?
Dear Mentor Says: ... you can use the iMahal College Finder to identify colleges that best match performance and personal needs ... You should try your best to achieve the best performance on the GRE, instead of focusing on a "sufficient" score ...
Where is a list of universities having pharmacy programs?
Dear Mentor Says: You may wish to visit Pharmacy.org, a list maintained by David Bourne. Also, there is another list that can be found at the International Pharmaceutical Federation, which is a list maintained by David Temple at Cardiff University.
How should I convert my H1 to H4?
Dear Mentor Says: ... You will be well advised to contact a US INS office near you ... the INS has publicly stated that it would deal fairly with such temporary residents in the US and would allow them to stay in the US while looking for another job ...
